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The Contracted Ever After novel Chapter 601

After she got discharged from the hospital, Ronan Evans turned to Petra and said, "I'll clear things up with her."

Cordelia Haselwood nodded in agreement.

"And how about we move to Pearl Palms after you get out?" Ronan suggested to Cordelia.

"Yeah, but Aunt Whitney has to come along. Janice can't handle my mom by herself."

"You should talk to her about it."

"Will do," Cordelia replied.

Ronan didn't mention anything about getting back together because he knew that even if he did, Cordelia might not agree right now.

The day after Cordelia was discharged, Ronan drove her home and then headed back to Pearl Palms. Cordelia needed to discuss things with Aunt Whitney, and Ronan said that if Whitney agreed, the driver would come to pick them up at noon.

Whitney had stayed over last night and got up early to make breakfast for Paola. After they ate, Whitney busied herself with tidying up while Paola watched TV.

Cordelia brought up the idea of moving to Pearl Palms and asked Whitney what she thought. Since Pearl Palms was spacious, Whitney wouldn't need to go home every day. Being retired with not much to do at home, Whitney agreed.

Cordelia didn’t have much stuff at Millstone, so when the driver came with a van, it easily accommodated all her belongings.

Cordelia and Whitney chatted during the drive.

Paola stared out the window, her fingers tracing patterns on the glass. Suddenly, she said two words: "Gu, City."

Cordelia froze and asked Paola what she remembered, but Paola fell silent again, saying nothing more.

The room Ronan arranged for Paola was the one Shelley used to stay in, with Whitney's and Janice's rooms right next to it.

Callum called Paola "Grandma."

The house suddenly felt lively with more people around.


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