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The Contracted Ever After novel Chapter 603

Cordelia felt her face flush with embarrassment, thinking, "Where on earth did my hand just wander off to?"

"The time's almost up. Have you made your decision?" he asked.

Cordelia quickly turned around, "No way, that's just your imagination."

"I've actually been thinking about it for quite a while."

"I'm seriously exhausted, I need a couple of months to recover," Cordelia said.

Maybe Ronan found the idea of dealing with "two's company" too draining, just the thought of it seemed boring to him. He fell silent.

Cordelia let out a sigh of relief, thinking to herself that she had dodged a bullet.

Just as she was patting herself on the back, Ronan's phone rang. It was Peter.

"Mr. Evans, you need to get to Birchwood ASAP," Peter's voice was shaky.

"What's going on?"

"Someone jumped from the Edith Hills construction site. It's only two stories high so far, not enough to be fatal, but the woman fell right onto something sharp and got impaled. It's like my worst nightmare coming true. This could ruin me," Peter's voice was breaking, haunted by a past incident with Petra. He dreaded such a day, and now it had arrived.

Ronan's brow furrowed deeply, "Lock down the site, and keep this under wraps! I'm on my way."

"Will do, right away," Peter's voice steadied a bit after hearing Ronan's firm response.

He trusted Ronan wouldn't vanish like his father did years ago after a murder case.

"What's happening?" Cordelia noticed Ronan's furrowed brow.

"I have to go to Birchwood. Keep an eye on the kids!" Ronan said, grabbing his car keys.

Once in the car, he started the engine and called Emerson, "I'm heading to Birchwood. Meet me there."


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