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The Last Daughter novel Chapter 2

Yes, you read right, ride.

About three months after I came, I had a dream. In the dream, I was standing in a sea, a large sea. I was in the middle of the sea, legs covered up to my knees but weren't sinking. It was like an invisible stool held me up, or an invisible floor. The tides pushed and pulled around me, splashing and clashing and wetting my white dress and hair. My head was up to the moonlight as I inhaled and exhaled with my eyes close, just listening to the waves and feeling the moon's aura around me.

   Then there was a voice and that name again I was called back to the castle. The voice ordered me to shift, and I did. It was the most painful experience, the most pain I had ever felt since I was born. I felt like my bones were going to shatter and my heart would burst out of my chest. It took me ten minutes to shift, but when Majesty stood on top of the water, howling to the moon and controlling the tides around her, I knew it was worth it.

   I woke up to see my bed drenched with sweat, and Majesty silent. That evening, the pack went for their evening run and as usual, I sat on dad's back to ride him since I wasn't in the mood to run. Mum's wolf challenged Dad to a race, Lula was not on her back, thankfully. I got down from dad's back and let them go play. Thirty minutes later, I felt it, some rogues cross over our territory and I saw them heading to where mum was hiding away from dad.

   Majesty panicked and pushed me to run. I was running and before I knew it, I was running on four paws. The feeling was amazing, indescribable, unfathomable. It was the best feeling in my life so far. We got there on time, mum was already fighting the rogues and one was about to clamp down on her neck. Immediately they saw Majesty, they were too afraid to move. Trust Majesty to over exaggerates her "majesty". The rogues were killed by dad, and I shifted back.

   No one saw Majesty, they only said I moved in a blur and the next thing they felt was my wolf breaking free to save mum. My parents decided it was wise to keep my wolf a secret because you know, she's not the normal wolf you see every day. I shifted sometimes to run, but Majesty was too fast for anyone to see. The girls and my parents were the only ones who had seen my wolf. And of course, Lula. Majesty loved her little sister a lot, and would often take her out to run.

   That was why Zira and Isla were so determined to knock me down so they could see my mystery wolf too, and ride her. Lula didn't make the story easy for them.

   "Hey, Lu," I called, carrying her into my arms. Majesty urged me to sniff her and make sure she wasn't hurt. It was a habit, an unnecessary one. I did anyway, so she won't nag about me being a bad sister and human half.

Lula giggled with a squeal. "You don't always have to smell me, I'm fine. If I wasn't, mum would have freaked out on me already."

   "Sorry, Majesty's order. Where's mum and dad?"

   "Arguing over what she would wear," Lula giggled, "Mummy bought nice dresses for the ball, but daddy said they are too much and expose and announce what is his. So mummy and daddy are arguing over it. Daddy wants to burn the dresses but mummy won't let him."

   "Aren't you like too old to be calling mummy and daddy?" Isla asked derisively. Lula stuck out her tongue to her.

   "It's cute when I say it, and I'm eight, not twelve,"

   "Eight is old enough, genius," Isla retorted sarcastically.

   "Okay, I'm going inside to make sure dad doesn't burn the dresses and mum doesn't murder him," Zeph announce.

   "Ur, no," Moira said firmly, "I'll handle it. The last twelve times you tried to settle them, it resulted in something worse, so no. I'll go in there or let them solve their problems them…" Mum ran out hugging her shopping bags.

   "Moira, lifesaver, thank goodness you are here. Hide this," she shoved the bags into Moira's hands. Moira quickly took them to the car and hid them inside. Dad stomped out that moment.

   "You are not wearing that, Eleanor, I know what you are doing. You bought all those clothes to impress your ex who you know will be there,"

   "Married ex of twenty-one years ago? Baby, grow up already."

   "I know you still think he is better looking than me," dad accused, pointing his index finger at her.

   "Obviously," mum said under her breath, causing a loud gasp to leave dad's mouth.

   "You still love him!"

   "And I married you," mum added sarcastically. I dropped Lula off and went over to dad. I grabbed his bicep with an amused chuckle. Their bickering will never cease to amaze me.

   "Okay, big guy, let's go for a walk,"

   "Didn't you hear her? She still loves him," he kvetched as I pulled him out of sight.

   "You know she is messing with you. You can't stop mum, or can you?" He mocks mimicked me silently, funnily pouting his lips. I laughed at his childish display but said nothing until he was done letting his anger out by mimicking me.

   "So, how's school?"

   "Fine, the usual."


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