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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 46

CHAPTER 46: The Scent



"HAVE YOU FOUND something suspicious? Any traces?" Alpha Karius asked one of the pack warriors that he commanded to go near the boundary of the pack to report.


"Alpha Karius... I think you need to see this. We found a strange creature near the boundary that suddenly attacked one of the warriors but we're glad we were able to stop it," said Rodent, one of the pack warriors with his most serious tone.


Alpha Karius nodded his head. "I'll check on it." He looked at the other wolves. "Matteo, take charge." He commanded the other pack warrior to guard the school of pup.


"Copy, Alpha."


Alpha Karius nodded once again before he went to the boundary where Rodent was talking about. It makes him curious about what it is. 


Since the place was just near, they reached the place immediately and even they're just a few meters away from the other wolves, Alpha Karius could already smell something strange and unpleasant near them.


He quickly went to the direction of the smell and saw something that made his eyes widened a bit. The creature was half human with sharp horns and bloody red eyes that looked like a vampire. The disgusting smell of the creature made him frown a bit. Its nails are sharp with a long tongue that's sticking out, kissing the ground, with sharp fangs.


"Do you know what that creature is?" Calyx asked. He's one taking charge guarding here. "I have a hunch what that creature is but I'd like to confirm it from you."


Alpha Karius sighed as he clenched his jaw. His hand also balled into fist as his eyes turned to slit. 


"Of course, I know this kind of creature..." he answered, glaring at the dead creature.


He knows about it. It was a demon.



ALPHA KARIUS DECIDED to go home after the pack warriors disposed of the demon. He went home with his mind occupied, clenching his jaw, thinking how did that happen? Why are demons suddenly here in his pack?


It was alarming since there's a possibility that they will attack again. Damn, he's still having problems with the rogues and now... this. His head suddenly aches with these problems that his pack is facing now.


Aside from that, his mind couldn't help but to remember something after seeing the demon. A small piece of his identity about those freatuy that he couldn't accept until now. A part of himself that he wished that he couldn't have...


He was zoning out until he reached his mansion. The first thing he finds is his mate. He immediately went to Lilian's room and checked on her but then no one's answering when he was knocking on her door. He suddenly saw Nadia going towards his direction.


"Nadia, where's Lilian?" Alpha Karius asked her.


"He's inside the library, Alpha." Nadia looked down a bit. "Uh... I-I'm sorry, Alpha. I know you're not really letting anyone enters the library without your permission--"


"It's fine." Alpha Karius cut her off from speaking. Well, he made it clear to all of them before that he's not allowing anyone to enter his library without his permission. Aside from that, there are many important files inside the library so he's really strict on that rule. But then, it was Lilian so it's fine. He trusts her. "You can let her anytime she wants to go there. It's fine with me."



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