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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 47

CHAPTER 47: The Villain





"WHY ARE YOU giving that to... me?" Lilian asked Alpha Karius, seeing him holding a red rose in his hand the next day. He's still in the mansion and is about to leave.


Alpha Karius shyly scratched the back of his hand and smiled a bit. "Does it need an occasion for me to give you this?" He chuckled. Well, he suddenly thought that he never tried giving flowers to her even before because they were too careful with their situation. He actually wanted to court her, to always make her feel special because she deserves it. She deserves every special thing in this world and he will give it to her as long as he can.


Lilian looked away, feeling her cheeks blushed profusely on the simple rose that he gave her. It's just a simple flower but it was enough for her heart to thump wildly against her chest. She was hesitant at first but she accepted the rose from Alpha Karius and smelled it with a small smile forming on her lips. Even though her mind is saying that she should not accept it, her heart and her wolf is just betraying her.


"You don't have to." She gulped then cleared her throat. Goodness. She should be mean to him! Why does she suddenly can't find her own voice?! And why does her heart won't even stop from beating so fast?


"I know but I want to." He let out a deep sigh. "I... never really tried courting you before. I want to do it this time. I'll make sure that I'll always make you feel special everyday..."


"This is too... cringe." She frowned and acted like she's disgusted with his words but Alpha Karius seems to be pleased at her expression.


He chuckled looking at her face. "Don't you like it? Well, maybe, I'll think of some strategy next time. It seems like you're not really fond of flowers." 


Alpha Karius couldn't help but to feel disappointed in himself. This is the first time and yet... he failed. But then, there's always next time... What should he do next? Hmm, maybe giving her sweet letters? Chocolates? Expensive gifts? Well, he's been really reading some things about courtships on humans. Maybe he could apply it to her, too.


He tried to get rid of the negative feeling in his system right now. The scent that lingers on Lilian the other day... it was so familiar with him but he chose to not pay too much attention to it anymore. It's just a waste of time. And maybe... he doesn't want to get hurt if ever his hunch is right. So, he shrugged off that bad feeling creeping in his head and chose to just enjoy every moment that he has with Lilian.


Lilian just kept her mouth shut, not really knowing what she would say. She just looked away as she breathed out heavily. 


"I'll go now. The pack has been really at stake the past few days after the school has been attacked by a rogue, so..." He shrugged his shoulders. "I'll be really busy the following days."


"What time are you going home later?" She asked, suddenly regretting it because she sounds like a clingy wife! Why would she even ask that?!


Alpha Karius smirked. "I will always go home to you, don't worry but I'll try to make it earlier this time. I don't want to risk the pack from this... creatures lurking recently, it's getting alarming." He sighed.


"What... creatures?" Her brows furrowed curiously.




Lilian tried so hard to hide the shock in her face. There's a demon lurking in the pack already... That means it will be very dangerous for the wolves here. But then she couldn't help but to also think about him. He's also a half demon. Is he even aware of his real identity? She wanted to ask him badly but her mouth wouldn't even cooperate. And aside from that, she's also scared of the things that she will find out.


"Uh... I have to go. I couldn't be late for my alpha duties." He smiled a bit before he leaned down to give her a kiss on the lips. Lilian blinks at his sudden bold move. But before she could even react, he already moved away swiftly and walked away from him.


She just shook her head and held her chest. That man has all the powers to make her feel the different emotions in just one time. 



THAT DAY, LILIAN doesn't really have plans to go out. She wanted to just stay inside the mansion the whole day since she doesn't really have a mood to interact that much with some wolves.


"Luna, there are letters for you..."


She looked at Fina, one of the helpers in the mansion. She just found out about her name recently since she's not really giving too much attention to them. Fina is holding a bunch of letters in her hand as she hesitantly gives it to her.


"Who gave those letters?" Lilian asked her.


"From the pups in school, Luna. They wanted to give you a letter after you saved them from the rogue that suddenly attacked at school."


Lilian nodded before she accepted the letters. Seconds later, Fina bowed her head a bit and excused herself. Lilian sat down on the sofa and smiled a bit when she looked at the cute letters. She spent her time reading the letters one by one while giggling. Two of them even made it as a confession letter, it was from Simon and Axel. She remembered them pretty well. They are so adorable. Reading their letters is a breath of fresh air. She forgot about everything that's bugging her mind for the meantime.



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