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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 58

CHAPTER 58: The Darkness And Light




IT WAS DARK. That's what all that Alpha Karius could see. It was as if he had been locked inside a very dark, closed room. He couldn't see anything even his wolf. He was trained to see in the dark perfectly but this time, he couldn't. He's not sure where he is anymore as he tries to look around.


"Where am I?" He asked himself, trying to figure things out. It doesn't make sense to him.


He tried running around, hoping that he could find a way out but to his dismay, the darkness had no end. He's running without any destination at all but there's something in this darkness that makes him... weak. It feels like he's running out of breath as his heart hammers so fast against his chest.


This feeling is familiar. He already felt this kind of feeling before. When he suddenly snapped on his playmate when he was still a kid...


Bryan. How could he even forget that name?


That's the name of the kid that he...


Alpha Karius refuses to not complete his own thoughts. He long buried those memories in the past. He will never do it again. He somehow learned to control it so why is he feeling this kind of feeling again? It feels like he's not the one in control of his body anymore. It doesn't make sense to him really.




Alpha Karius straightened his back when he heard that familiar voice. It was his mate! But where is he? Why can't he see her?! It was frustrating him to the core that the only thing that he could do is to search for her in this unending darkness. He wanted to see her so bad! But he couldn't get out of this darkness where he is right now.


"Lilian! Lilian! Love..." He tried calling her name again and again but it seems like his own voice is just being trapped in this place. It seems like Lilian doesn't also hear him. Please, love... he prayed to the goddess he would see her but his prayers weren't answered.


He pulled his own hair in frustration. Why does he suddenly feel... useless and weak? He should do something right now. He should get out of here as soon as possible to see his mate. 


"We meet again... Karius."


His eyes widened with that voice. It was deep and animalistic, it reminded him of his wolf's groans. Speaking of his wolf... why can't he seem to feel him now?!


"Who the fuck are you?!" He asked, shouting. He clenched his jaw when he couldn't see anyone. He wanted so badly to punch that voice because its tone was like mocking him!


A deep chuckle echoed in the darkness that made Alpha Karius shiver. Even though he wanted to just shrug it off, he knew that just by hearing that voice, he could tell that he's also dangerous.


"You will never see me. I'm... you."


Alpha Karius' brows furrowed. "What do you mean?! Don't fucking play with me!" He wanted to deny his hunch because the truth is... he couldn't accept it. He couldn't accept that the owner of that voice was able to rule his system again. He couldn't accept that he let him do what he wants and he's here... trapped in the darkness and unable to get out.


"You know the answer, Karius. I'm you because we are only one."


He glared in the darkness when realization started to hit him like a whirlwind. I'm you... that's what the deep voice said. His breathing ragged when he finally wanted to admit to himself the answer to his question.


It was his demon that he longed for, forgotten and locked at the deepest part of his system.


"You came back..." Alpha Karius almost whispered, still couldn't accept that fact. He suddenly couldn't help but to also belittle himself. The demon was able to get out because he's this... weak. 


"No. I'm always here with you. You just refused to let me out. And now that I took your place, I will never let you win again." The voice laughed loudly again that made Alpha Karius mad. No! 


"No! No! This is my body! You fucking go away, you filthy demon!" Alpha Karius shouted in so much frustration. Why does he have to experience this kind of situation? It wasn't his fault that he had to be this way... It wasn't his fault...


And then Alpha Karius suddenly remembered his wolf... 


He tried summoning his wolf through the mind link. He knows that he's still there. He just hopes that he will come out. He concentrated and tried ignoring the mocking laugh of his demon. He called his wolf for a couple of times until he heard his painful groan. It was as if he's also having a hard time like he is now. They are both in a complicated situation now.


"C'mon, come out now..." he whispered again.


And like he was hit by a tornado, he suddenly saw a glimpse of the surroundings again. There's no darkness anymore! It was painful for him to summon his wolf because it was as if there's something that's trapping him!


But then, moments later, he was shocked to see himself choking his mate... Lilian to death. He tried controlling his body and let his wolf rule him even though it was fucking hard for him since his wolf is also feeling weak now. His demon won't just get lost! It won't go away so easily!


"G-Go... while I c-could still s-stop him.." Alpha Karius tried to say despite having a hard time. It was as if he's being pulled back to the darkness again.


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