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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 57

CHAPTER 57: The Chose One








Lilian looked at the man who's holding a tea for her. It was the man named Jackson. She already noticed her on her first days here in the Midnight pack and she could tell that he's the friendliest wolf here. 


Everyone is really fond of Jackson. He's easy to be with and kind. Whenever they have training, every female wolf is really doing their best to get noticed by him. And since Jackson is naturally nice, he would check on them like a gentleman should do. Well, she wouldn't deny that Jackson is indeed a fine young man. Almost all of the girls here have a crush on him and it seems like he's not even aware of it. Lilian already noticed that pack on her first days here.


"This will help you regain your energy from the nonstop training. Sorry, the leaders didn't go easy on you even though it was your first time," he said again as he sat beside her. They are now in the mansion and it actually surprised her that Jackson still followed her. 


They're still not friends but he's already acting like one. She didn't even bother talking that much to him since she could sense the secret glares of the other female wolves in the pack whenever he's with her. It was hard for Lilian to ignore them but she's trying.


"Thank you," Lilian replied politely as she accepted the tea from him. 


Calista is busy with her duties with some other elderly wolves. The other helpers in the house are busy with their work so she's now the one who's entertaining Jackson now even though she doesn't really have the mood since the training was really a bit intense earlier for her. Her body is still new to those training here. And if only her previous pack was able to give those omegas like her before to train properly, then she won't be weak like this now.


"How's the training for you? The leaders could be really harsh sometimes," Jackson said, insisting on a conversation with her and sitting on the chair next to her.


Lilian shrugged. "It's fine with me." Well, she lied on that part. The leaders, or the wolves that are leading the pack with the training are not fond of her. Aside from the fact that Jackson is close to her on her first days, everyone is also thinking that she's using her privilege as the daughter of the alpha even though she's not.


That thought never crossed Lilian's head. Even though she has all the rights to boss around here, she never did because she knew the feeling of being commanded just like what she experienced on her previous pack. It was never erased from her mind...


The way the higher ranked wolves treated them, omegas, like their slaves...


So, no... Lilian won't do that to them here.


"Don't worry. I could personally assist you in your training and be your sparring partner if you want."


Lilian looked at her this time. "Why would you even do that?" she asked, raising a brow.


Well, she's truly not comfortable with the training leaders. It was obvious that they are purposely making it harder for her after knowing that she's the daughter of the she-wolf alpha. She's obviously a beginner but they are treating her like a pro sometimes. She always felt weak after those training sessions!


"Because I could sense that you're not that comfortable around them. I can see the hesitation on the way you punch earlier." He smiled a bit. "If I will be your sparring partner, there's no need for you to stop yourself. And who knows... I could also be your friend if you also want."




It never crossed her mind to make one. She was fine alone. She couldn't really tell if she had some friends on her previous pack but she was civil to the other omegas that she knew. So, hearing it now made her hesitate a bit.


But then, there's nothing wrong if she will make one this time right? 


So, she was surprised at her own answer to him. Lilian just nodded and also smiled a bit in return. Because deep inside her, she's also craving for a genuine friendship which she never had before since she was too focused on some... things. 


And the next few days, Jackson did really fulfill what he told her. He became her sparring partner and even though he's a male, he makes sure that his moves will make her comfortable. And she also learned easily around him! He's one of the reasons why she easily adjusted to her training. And he gave her the genuine friendship that she wants. 


And in a short span of time, Lilian found friendship with him. She's not easily trusting anyone and doesn't really make friends that much but it's different with Jackson. 


He's the brother she wished to have...





ALL THOSE SIMPLE things that Jackson did to Lilian suddenly rushed in her head. She remembered it clearly as she stared at the man that she treated as her brother, beating the hell out of Alpha Karius' loyal Beta... Calyx.


'Jackson...' She tried calling him through the mind link but he never listened. He's too focused on what he's doing. 


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