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The Outcast Hybrid Luna novel Chapter 2


I attempted to move, to stretch, to find a little comfort on the damp floor, but every single position proved to be too much for my rigid muscles. The little space was pervaded with repugnant stench of stale urine and rotten meat. My nose wrinkled, attempting to control the amount of the foul air that seeped into my lungs.

The space was dark all the time, I couldn't tell how long I had been there. I couldn't even tell how I got there but I had a feeling I had been knocked out cold, because the last time I was in a better room. My head spun as my eyes stung with the excessive ammonia in the musty room.

If I had known I would end up locked in a foreign territory, I wouldn't have escaped. I only wanted to be free, to enjoy my life away from the vile beings but seemed fate had another plan for me. I leaned back on the cracked wall, shutting my eyes briefly as my whole head pounded mercilessly.

Even through the loud throbbing, my mind took me back to my former living conditions. The Crane Power, that was the name of the place I had grown up in. It was a pack in the East, the second most powerful in the area after The Yellow Moon Pack.

My stomach growled for the umpteenth time, reminding me I hadn't had a decent meal for quite some time. If I had been back at The Crane, I would have eaten, even if it was one slice of stale bread. I knew nobody missed me there, the only thing I was sure of is that if the alpha ever found me he wouldn't hesitate killing me on the spot.

I recalled how I had escaped the hell hole. The day had been normal and quite similar to the others. I worked extra hours around the pack, running errands for the alpha. I cleaned the pack house and alpha Silas room, served his food only for shit to hit the fan when I found him naked, in bed with the Beta's wife.

***Flash back***

I dragged my feet across the corridor, a tray packed with neatly arranged dishes in my frail hands. The aroma of the food intensified the hunger I was feeling, tempting my fingers to just dip into the dishes. I knew though the consequences if I got caught. Wanting to keep my fingers intact, I flashed the thought of stealing out of my mind. The last time I did that the alpha had broken all my fingers.

When I got to the alpha's room, I was humming to a song my mother had taught me. Everything seemed to move in slow motion when I finally lifted my eyes, looking at the centre of the suite. Nude, two bodies moved in an acquired rhythm as the beta's wife moaned under the alpha male.

A gasp from my mouth, followed by the sound of the tray and the other contents as they came into contact with the floor, had the two adults scrambling apart from each other. It was as though everything else was moving except my feet, when I really wanted them to.

'Get out! ' The alpha boomed, breaking the trance that had been holding me. I went to move, but another firm utterance stopped me from making another step.

'Not you! ' He pointed at me, while his hard gaze fell on Maggie, the beta's wife who's lips were set in a thin line. She scrambled out of the room, with a bedsheet wrapped around her body.

When she locked the door, I swallowed a gulp of saliva, my body beginning to shake. I knew that was the end of me, I wasn't stupid, I had walked in on something I shouldn't have. Looking at the alpha as he advanced towards me, I took a step back reflexively.

He didn't bother to cover himself up, he walked slowly, with calculated steps, his eyes raking over my shaking body. I willed my eyes not to look at him, I didn't want to see his nudity at all. I was 20 years and yet I had never really looked at any man sexually.

'Strip. ' My downcast eyes shot to his face, the command catching me totally off guard.

'Wh-a-a-t? ' I stuttered in a whisper, my wide eyes darting across the room.

'Fucking strip! ' I flinched at the loud thunderous voice, the power in it making me move my hands over the back zipper of my dress. My bladder was full, and with the alpha in front of me, the feeling that gripped me almost pushed me to a point of pissing on myself.

'You're wasting my time! ' He gripped me by the collar of my maroon dress. Before I could comprehend his actions, the sound of the material as it was torn apart filled my ears.

Chapter 2 1

Chapter 2 2


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