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The Outcast Hybrid Luna novel Chapter 4

Alpha Jax

Scarlett was pushed by Cane through the door, with a tight grip on the back of her neck. She wobbled inside, her eyes glancing around the room, starting from Jasper, to Thierry my gamma and finally to me. Her two green orbs swirled with disgust as she briefly looked at me. I could see her nostrils flaring making my lips stretch upwards in a smirk.-

Her dress was tattered all over, exposing her dirty stained skin. Her hair was a mess of knots on her head, in need of a thorough washing. I continued my brief inspection, taking in the obvious swelling under her green eyes. Her back was bend, her tiny hands clutching her stomach tightly.

Cane pushed her on the metallic chair, but not even once did the girl wince. I had hidden admiration for her despite how hard I tried pushing it away. She had tolerance to pain and I couldn't wait to see how far she would keep up the act. I broke rogues in this very same room, I maimed them, reduced them to nothing. I reminded them how useless they were through pain.

'What are you planning? ' Thierry pulled me out of my thoughts, taking a step closer to me. I wasn't stupid, I saw the amount pity he had for the girl. After all he was the one who found her at the edge of the Eastern border. He was willing to incur my wrath by treating her like a guest, instead of the trespasser and the outcast she was.

'What do you mean? ' I turned to him, raising my eye brow.

He was stiff, that much I could tell from the way his shoulders squared up. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the girl, from head to toe. Thierry was a tough man, I mean he was my third in command after all, but he always had a soul in him. His humanity still remained, apparently even for people who didn't deserve it.

'Are you...Are you really going to kill her? ' He whispered the last part but with my powerful hearing, I still got it loud and clear.

'Of course you fucker! Do you think we are here to play games? ' Jasper nudged him, looking straight at Cane. Scarlett flinched at his voice, but her eyes remained downcast. I focused on her heart beat, but strangely enough it was calm and steady.

Had she been in a similar situation in the past?

I thought, trudging forward until I was a few steps from where she sat, tightly tied up. I took my time to inspect her, to fish out any ounce of fear inside of her. I pushed my beast out, willed us to work together as one. We relished in the fear of our victims, the more terrified they got the more torture we dished out.

I held her by her dishevelled hair, pulling her head backwards. She didn't dare meet my eyes, but there was a fire in them, a determination I hadn't seen in any of the werewolves that passed through my hands. She was so young but yet different, my wolf was proud of her resilience.

'Damn she doesn't look scared for her life at all. ' Jasper mind linked me, shaking his head.

'By the time I am done with her, she will be more than terrified. ' I tightened my hold on her hair, straining the roots. Slowly, my claws extended on my left hand and my lips pulled upwards in a smirk as I sliced through her skin, just below her neck. It was deep enough to draw out blood, but it would soon heal.

She winced but other than that Scarlett didn't appear affected. I was beginning to feel agitated by her behaviour. I was alpha Jax, the most powerful alpha in the country. My name alone instilled fear among both rogues and packs. No one dared mess with my pack because they knew what I was capable of. Yet Scarlett sat in my pack, calm, with her eyes closed.

'Bitch! ' I kicked her left shin, my beast and I taking her behaviour as a challenge. She opened her mouth but no sound came from her as her face contorted in pain. Her upper chest continued bleeding out, it's metallic scent slowly wafting in our noses. The site of blood woke a part of me that only I could contain.

I snaked my tongue out licking my lower lip as the addictive smell of iron seeped inside my pores.

'Hold her. ' I instructed Cane, walking towards the corner of the small room. There was my duffel bag of tools, placed on top of a wooden table.

Scarlett's POV

Chapter 4 1

Chapter 4 2


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