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The Rebirth of the Betrayed Alpha novel Chapter 1

The crimson moon rises over the thick fog hovering over the forest exposing tall oak trees, a lattice of leaves. Branches creak as feet shuffle through fallen leaves. Alexandra Guerrero runs through the forest, screaming, peeking back every second as the White wolf chases her down, jumping above the fallen leaves, and attempts to grasp her but Alexandra pushes harder and faster, keeping her breath steady, and ducked around a rough tree bark, exhaling deeply.

She had never expected to go so fast without shifting, looking around as she slipped through the detritus, the trees creaking on the ground with each step. Alexandra steps out, her eyes roaming around unable to see through the shadow cast as the wind whistles in distance. Turning around, the wolf quickly pounces on her causing her to fall to the ground. Adams shifts back into human form, standing up, inhaling the warm breeze as it sinks through his skin.

"You cheated" Alexandra states, taking off her jacket extends it toward Adam.

"You are the one who decided to hide behind a tree"

Alexandra bites her lower lips "How did you find me?"

Gently lifting her jaw, Adam gazes into her hazel eyes, warmly, a lot of emotions run through his eyes. "I can find you anywhere, even in the dark. You seem to be forgetting you are my mate"

Alexandra blushes as the words replay over and over again in her head till she loses count. "I love you, Adam Hawthorn"

Adams smiles, leaning towards her, his warm breath fans her cheeks, Alexandra licks her lips, closing her eyes as Adams runs his index finger against her soft lips. "Did you do it? Did you ask the Narcos clan to support me?"

She opens her eyes, aware of what he was implying. "Yes I told you already"

"Are you certain?"

"Just trust me, Adams, I promise you that every single one of them is going to vote for you tomorrow once the ceremony begins. I know what this means for you"

"For us, it will strengthen our bond, our pack and you will finally be my Luna" Adams whispers, brushing his nose against her, Alexandra moans, she couldn't wait any longer to be next to him while they lead the pack.

"I love you, Adams, always and forever" engulfing him tightly, Alexandra gazes intently at the crimson moon with a lot of emotions running through her eyes, hoping for them to always be together.


The sunny midday calls to Alexandra like warning guilt of pleasure while the warming winds blow, tucking her hair behind her ear, Alexandra strolls around the hall looking stunning as the male wolves in the Guerrero pack gaze at her intently, hoping she was their mate but Alexandra only had eyes for Adams, and just in a moment, she was certain, no wolf would dare stare at her in such manner since she will be the Luna of the clan.

Lurking eyes with some Deltas standing around in the corner, Alexandra averts her eyes to Adams who was talking to a pack member, lurking eyes with him, she smiles and reclines in her seat aware that it was time.

Gazing at Adam as he walks to stand in front of the pack, Alexandra's face lit up, although not fazed for she had expected him to become the next Alpha of the Guerrero clan. Her heart skips as Adam advances towards her, she had imagined this day and now it has arrived, Alexandra couldn't help but get a little nervous, she was going to be his Luna and together they were going to lead the pack. Lurking eyes with him as he draws nearer, Adams could hear the thumping beat of her heart, gazing at her intently, he smirks, walks past her, turns around, and strolled back to stand before the people.

Alexandra smiles, uncertain what was running through his mind, but pushes the thought aside, without a doubt he wanted to save it for the last moment.

Adams puts his hands into his pocket. "As your new Alpha, I want to say thank you for allowing me to lead this pack. I give you my words that as your Alpha, I stand to do right by your side"

The pack members Cheers, applauding.

"Which Is why as your Alpha, I vow to protect this pack, our people from the dark forces that attack us"

The pack members began to murmur, glancing around, fear engulfing them.

"You don't have to be afraid since I have apprehended those people who would terrify this town, they cursed ones who pose a threat to our community and pack" Adams lurks eyes with Alexandra and she smiles widely, dropping his gaze, he looks towards the entrance door.

Bewildered, Alexandra gawks at him, catching a glimpse of the Narcos clan fastened to each other in chains, beaten up and led inside, by his Beta and a sorceress. Startled, Alexandra gawks at Adams, unable to get her feet moving.

"These cursed people cause ruin in our town and I must execute them so that they cannot cause further harm to us. Most of you have lost children, daughters, or your mate without health reasons, it is their doing. They contaminate our community and if we let them live then every single one of us may die"

Fear grips the pack members, Adams smiles, certain he got them where he wanted. Without hesitation, he jabs a sword into the teenage boy and Alexandra screams rushing towards him, attempting to hold him but his Beta grips her arm, she strives to break away but couldn't as the Beta tightens his grip.


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