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The Rebirth of the Betrayed Alpha novel Chapter 12

As the curtains draw to another crimson-grey day, Alexandra absorbs herself in her routine, cleaning the house and washing the dishes. Alexandra had adapted to this lifestyle ever since her mom died and her father remarried. At first, it was challenging having to do all the chores every day but as time went by, she found immense joy in doing her chores.

Most times when no one is around, she would be singing while mobbing the marble floors, it was good exercise and the only way she used to forget all the horrible things they do to her.

As she gathered the trash together and put it into the bin, Olivia entered with decayed food that she had left under her bed for a couple of days. Locking eyes with Alexandra, she throws the decayed food to her face, smiling.

"You smell like trash anyway so trash it away"

Alexandra gawks at her and comports herself.

Olivia flips her hair backward. "What? Are you going to beat me? No one's here for you to show your pretentious nature"

Alexandra ignores her and continues to put the trash into the bin causing Olivia to be infuriated.

Alexandra was getting on her nerves with her multiple personality changes and she couldn't read her emotions nor understand what was running through her thick skull anymore and that scared her the most.

What's even scarier was how she went from the humble innocent, submissive girl who she steps on whenever she pleases to a wild, dangerous, and feisty woman with an unreadable expression all the time.

Closing in on her, Olivia quickly kicks the trash at her, and Alexandra looks up into her eyes.

"What? What are you going to do?" She pokes her forehead but Alexandra ignores her, not saying a word.

Realizing Alexandra wasn't going to speak to her, Olivia lifts the bin and dumps the waste on Alexandra's head, walking away, smiling sinisterly, she had thought she had some gut with the manner she had put up a show in front of their pack members.

Lifting her eyes, Alexandra smiles, her face void of emotions, Olivia was so predictable all the time. Putting the trash into the bin, Alexandra walks into the house coming in contact with Olivia sitting in the living room, filing her nails, walking past her up the stairs, dragging her feet along strolling so lifelessly creeping Olivia out.

Locking eyes with Alexandra before she turns into the hallways, Olivia quickly drops her gaze, something about Alexandra gives her creepy chills.

"What was that?" She thinks to herself, applying a little more nail polish on her toes, packing up her belongings, and striding up the stairs, the last thing she wanted to do was be in the same house alone with Alexandra when she is creeping her out.

Rushing into her bedroom, Olivia stiffens, seeing Alexandra standing by the mirror, a dark aura surrounds her.

"Do you know what separates good from evil?" Alexandra asks locking eyes with Olivia and Olivia gulps down the lump in her throat.

"Mystery," Olivia whispers, playing with her hair.

Smirking, Alexandra grabs her favorite nail polish and quickly throws it towards her but Olivia dodges, her eyes widened seeing the red spill on the door.

"Ah! Sorry, I missed"


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