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The Rebirth of the Betrayed Alpha novel Chapter 21

Looking stunning as she walks down the stairs, eentersthe living room, and bumps into Olivia sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Wow!" Olivia gawks, her mouth agape

"Is this alright, hope it isn't too short or anything" Alexandra whispers trying to drag down her gown


"Are you crazy? This is perfect"

Alexandra breathes in for a moment and exhales, feeling a knot around her stomach. "I don't know, I just feel so nervous"

"You don't have to be, not like your first time meeting Adams"

"I know but he has never asked me to meet him somewhere, all the times we would see, he would come over so I'm just a little over the weather"

Olivia rolls her eyes but Alexandra doesn't see that. "Don't be such a baby and move along. You don't want to keep him waiting"

"Yea" Alexandra glances at her wrist watch "Is almost time"

"Scurry off then"

Nodding affirmatively, Alexandra tries to walk away but halts, glancing back at Olivia.

"Are you certain I'm not overly dressed? I could change"

"Of course not, just trust your gut feeling"

"Yea. How about my lipstick?"

"Your lipstick is perfect, red is your favorite color"

Alexandra exhales, her hands trembling.

"Dear God, please save me, I hope I don't mess up"

Olivia scoffs, she didn't realize she was such a drama queen.

"What about my shoes and bag? Does it match?"

Olivia groans loudly. "My gosh, just leave damnit! What are you? A kid"

"I'm sorry" Alexandra whispers as a sudden feeling of sadness engulfs her.

Olivia forces a smile, closing in on Alexandra, holding her shoulders, her face softening. "What am I saying? You look perfect, stunning, breathtaking, I bet Adams will be blown once he sees you so stop worrying over unnecessary things and just go meet him"

"You are right" Alexandra exhales deeply walking out the door with Olivia staring at her till she was out of sight. She smiles sinisterly.

"Oh Alexandra Guerrero, why do you have to be so dumb all the time," she thinks to herself


The warm breeze engulfs Alexandra's body as she walks through the road, her heart beating faster with every step she ttakes Cornering into the woods, Alexandra walks further into the path, glancing around, trying to catch a glimpse of Adam.

Shadows move behind leaves and Alexandra glances around trying to see through foggy woods when some Rogues jumps out from hiding, startling her.

"Look who it is, little princess"

Alexandra stiffens, she was certain this was no rogue territory.


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