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The Rebirth of the Betrayed Alpha novel Chapter 79

Without having to lift her eyes, Alexandra could put a name to that voice. She had thought she would never again until the ceremony was over but Bernard had plans and wouldn't miss the opportunity to spite her.

"Father" she whispers and he smiles.

"In flesh"

"You look different" she sits upright

"How different?"

"Old, haggard"

Bernard scoffs, he knows what she's doing.

"Like your mother"

Alexandra glares.

"Was it how she looked before her poor soul left this world"

"My mother died young and attractive but you would leave this world all wrinkled and haggard"

Bernard chuckles. "Is that what they told you?"

"No one needs to tell me anything when is written all over your face"

"You know for someone who's about to lose and make a fool of herself, you surely know how to run your mouth"

"Is that what they told you? Did you see that I will lose?"

Bernard smirks. "No one needs to tell me anything when failure is washed across your face"

"Really? Are you a telepath now who can read minds?"

"You're scared, Alexandra"

Alexandra stands up, she was scared since she was going to fight Adam without her wolf but is is is no way she would let Bernard find out.

"What makes you think I'm scared".

"I can see right through you"

"You can see right through yourself and not me that's why you already know your weakness"

"Which is?"


Trying to form the right words, Bernard scoffs.

"Even in the middle of your humiliation, you still choose to be arrogant"

"I learned from your father"

"I'm nothing like you"

"You are worse"

"What would you know?"

"A lot about you like for starters I can smell your fear"

"Stop saying nonsense, what fear?"

"Fear of leaving that seat, I told you to remember that you would have to vacate that seat when I'm ready and today's the day"

Bernard chuckles. "Do you think you will be the one occupying this seat? Leading the pack"

"Who else? Don't tell is Adam you are supporting"

"And so? He's more capable than you will ever be"

"Really? Well, let's see who gets to become Alpha then. Is it Adam Hawthorn?"

"You will lose in a glance"

"Should we bet on that?"


"Yes, why don't we bet with our lives" Alexandra smiles sinisterly

"You're insane"

"Call it whatever you want"

"I will do no such thing"


"Me? A coward"

"I am ready to end my life if I lose but what about you, are you ready to end your life if Adam loses? I dare you to"

"You are completely insane, why would I bet my life on something like that"

"Good a thing you are vacating that position"

"You must be thrilled"

"I am because You are not worthy of being called an Alpha, you are ce"

"Alexandra!" He glared

"What! Take on the bet and prove once and for all that you got that position on merit"

"Alpha is known to be daring and they don't back down from a fight but you act like an Omega, are you perhaps those runaway werewolves?"

"You are crazy"

"Maybe, maybe not"

"You will never win this fight"


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