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The Vampire's Mate novel Chapter 2

After the warm welcome given to the new students, they were brought to the hall. Cassandra couldn’t help but be amazed at the sight in front of her. Academia was a sight to behold. From its fully furnished rooms with various styles and designs down to its marvelous technology equipped with the Archmages’ power. It is simply astounding. While walking, Cassandra saw different races trudging around. Faeries, dwarves, elves, witches and warlocks, and of course vampires.

"The paper that every one of you holds consists of your dorm room number, locker combination, schedule of your classes, and lastly a map of Academia," McCane announced. Cassandra and Kimberly whom she saw earlier, looked into each other eyes. They were confused because there was no said paper.-

“Whoa!” Cassandra heard some of the students gasped.

“What is happ—oh, shit!” she suddenly cursed when a paper appeared on her hand. “Archmage,” she whispered and smiled. Being in the pack most of her life, Casandra wasn’t able to witness what was happening right now.

"Follow Meynard. He'll show all of you where the dormitory is located," McCane said after taking in the initial reaction of students about magic. The man named Meynard appeared beside Logan McCane. Meynard is a member of sentinels whose job is to keep watch the students’ safety. Logan McCane nodded his head to Meynard.

“Come and follow me,” Meynard said. Cassandra and the rest of the students followed Meynard. While they were walking to the dorm, Meynard explained the rules. The dorm room will be shared by three people of a different race.

After explaining, the students went to find a room of their own. Kimberly bid her goodbye to Cassandra and walked away. Cassandra waved her hands and heaved a sigh. She flips her card and saw her dorm number.

“110,” she softly said. She began walking and inspecting the room one by one until she found what she was searching for. Cassandra breathed deeply before knocking in front of her dorm room. It was opened by a girl, shorter than her with wavy hair.

“You are the new student, right?” she asked. Cassandra nodded her head and was shocked when she was hugged by the girl.

“Oh my god! Abby, she’s here!” she squealed and dragged Cassandra inside. Another girl was sitting on the bed, holding a book in her hand. She stood up and extended her hand for a handshake.

“I’m Abegail, and this crazy girl is Lisanna,” she said, introducing herself and the girl who hugged Cassandra.

“I’m Cassandra, do you mind if I ask?” she said. Cassandra wanted to confirm something. After all, she will be with these three for four years.

“Are you perhaps…a vampire?” she blurted out. She wasn’t prejudiced of her race, but werewolves and vampires had histories of countless wars and deaths. Soon after, the leaders came into agreement, but there are still some vampires and wolves that are hostile to each other. Abegail laughed and answered ‘yes’.

“Lisanna is a witch and I'm a vampire, but don't worry, I won't bite you, wolf,” Abegail said while showing her fangs. Cassandra playfully bared her teeth at her. It was what Meynard said about sharing a room with a different race.

“Damn, this year will be interesting,” Cassandra muttered to herself.

“Abby! What the hell was that!?” Lisanna angrily said. “Don’t be mean towards Cassy! Now, come and help her with her things,” she added with her hands on her waist. Abegail rolled her eyes at her and the three started helping Cassandra.

“Damn, I’m hungry! Did you brought the whole house with you, Cassy?” Abegail asked. Lisanna sat on the chair, exhausted while Cassandra laughed and put the last remaining clothes on her cabinet.

“Let’s go eat in the cafeteria,” Lisanna suggested. “Treat us, Cassy, okay?” she added and giggled. Cassandra rolled her eyes at them. She picked her wallet up and followed the two that went ahead of her. Cassandra locked the door behind her and joined Lisanna and Abegail. The three went to the Academia’s cafeteria.

It wasn’t just a simple cafeteria. It was like a five-star restaurant. The meals include different delicacies cooked by famous chefs.

“Let’s sit there,” Lisanna said and pointed to a table in the corner of the room. Cassandra wondered why Lisanna chose the farthest table, but it was okay to her. She wasn’t planning on gaining unwanted attention to herself.

Lisanna ordered her food, it was chicken tortilla soup and fried calamari same with Cassandra. While Abegail ordered roasted beef with mashed potato and a pack of O negative blood. The buzzing sound around the cafeteria stopped when a group of students entered.


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