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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 162

"Don't worry too much. At least for the past few days, you're safe," he tightly held Roxanne's hand, his other hand gently caressing her head, trying to comfort her. "If anyone is really tracking you, I'll protect you."

For the past few days, Harrison had taken a leave and escorted Roxanne to and from work every day. This made Roxanne feel much more secure. But Harrison also had his own job. He couldn't stay on leave to be with her forever. This wasn't a long-term solution. Roxanne was still a bit worried. She frowned.

It wasn't until Harrison kissed her forehead that she smiled, "Maybe I really am too nervous." How could she, an ordinary person, be maliciously tracked?

After showering, Roxanne lay in bed and sent some messages. Most of them were work-related. Harrison walked over, embraced her, and then took her phone. "Since you're at home, you should focus on being with me," Harrison looked at her somewhat plaintively, "Stop looking at your phone."

Before Harrison could finish his sentence, he kissed Roxanne's lips. He wanted to be close to her. He missed her scent terribly. She had been working overtime for several days. Every day, after coming home and showering, she fell asleep within minutes. Harrison felt sorry for her, so he hadn't touched her for several days. Now, he was feeling restless. After kissing Roxanne for about half a minute, she pushed him away. She placed her hand on his lips, "Stop it. I'm sending a message to Chloe to follow up on the Russian orders."

After saying that, she reached for her phone again, ready to continue messaging Chloe. Harrison felt a bit jealous, "You spend more time with Chloe than you do with me. I'm a failed husband."

"Harrison, why would you be jealous of Chloe?" Roxanne laughed and looked at him, "Chloe and I only spend time together for work. When we get home, I'm cuddling with you."

She really was just cuddling with him! Nothing else.

But he wasn't satisfied!

Seeing Roxanne open WhatsApp again to message Chloe, Harrison snatched her phone away once more. Roxanne was about to send a voice message to Chloe. She had just pressed the record button, but hadn't spoken yet, when Harrison took her phone again. "Stop chatting with Chloe, even about work. You should be spending time with me."

Roxanne's finger was still on the send voice message button, so everything Harrison said was sent to Chloe. "Ugh..." Roxanne tried to grab her phone back, "Give me back my phone! Chloe heard everything you said! She's going to make fun of me again."


"Let me retract that message."

"Leave it." Harrison tossed the phone aside, then kissed Roxanne several times. His kisses were becoming more skillful. His sensuous lips moved from slow to fast, from light to deep. In just a few seconds, Roxanne felt all her strength drain away.

Roxanne used all her willpower to break free from his embrace and reached for her phone. "No! I have to retract that message, or Chloe will make fun of me."

But it was too late.

When Roxanne snatched her phone back and opened WhatsApp, Chloe had already heard Harrison's voice and replied with a text message, "Harrison is right. You should be with him and not neglect him. Wishing you both have fun every night!"

Harrison and she read this reply together, then he kissed her ear and whispered, "See? Don't neglect me, okay?"

"Alright, alright, I'll talk to Chloe about work tomorrow. But you haven't showered yet. Go wash up. I'll wait for you."

Roxanne gently pushed Harrison.

Harrison released her and made a salute gesture. "Yes, Mrs. Rodriguez!"

"Alright, stop kidding around. Go take a shower."

While waiting for Harrison to shower, Roxanne lay down. She had been working long hours recently, with no breaks even at noon. Now, lying on the bed for less than two minutes, she fell asleep. Harrison was eager for intimacy. He usually took half an hour to shower, but this time he finished in just over ten minutes. He came out of the bathroom to find Roxanne already fast asleep. She clutched a pillow, curled up like an extremely tired kitten. Harrison felt disappointed. She didn't wait for him again.

In Harrison's eyes, they still seemed like newlyweds in their honeymoon phase. He wanted to be close to her every night. But in Roxanne's perspective, they seemed like an old married couple, lacking the excitement of something new. Did she not miss him during the day? Had the novelty of him truly worn off?

Harrison felt very let down. He didn't get the comfort he needed, so he was unsatisfied. He crawled into bed, lightly kissing her earlobe. "Anne, give me a kiss." He tried to awaken her, to have her kiss him. He kissed her earlobe, her cheek, and even her most sensitive areas, but Roxanne showed no response. Her only reaction was fatigue. She was just too exhausted. She pushed away his kisses and touches impatiently, grumbling, "Don't touch me. I'm so tired."

Her voice indeed sounded extremely weary. After saying that, she turned over and went back to sleep. In less than two seconds, she was back in a deep sleep, her breathing slow and heavy. Harrison, left with a disappointed expression, was abandoned on the side.

It was another lonely and unbearable night, left feeling neglected by his wife, unable to sleep. It was late autumn, transitioning into winter, and the weather had turned cold. Harrison had to go back to the bathroom, using cold water to wash himself from head to toe, forcing his aroused body to calm down.

He couldn't sleep the entire night.

At 6 a.m., just as the day was dawning, Roxanne woke up promptly due to her internal clock. She turned over, preparing to get up, brush her teeth, and then head quickly to the airport. Harrison, who had hardly slept a wink, felt her stir and reached out with his long arm. He held her slender waist tightly and pulled her into his embrace. He opened his eyes, kissed her cheek, and asked, "Had enough sleep?"

Roxanne responded with a good morning kiss, "Good morning. Did I wake you?"

He had been thinking about her all night.

Harrison turned over, gently yet energetically pressing against her. He quickly undid the buttons of her nightgown. Roxanne was busy pushing him away. "Harrison, no. I have to pick up a client from the airport. If I'm late, they'll think we're not serious."

"I'll be quick," Harrison coaxed her, continuing to kiss her most sensitive spots.

Roxanne laughed helplessly. How quick could he be? Even at his fastest, it would still take over an hour. The company she and Chloe had reopened was just a small trading company, not very large in scale. Even their office space was rented in Urban Sun Village. In recent days, the economy had been sluggish, making it difficult to secure orders from Europe and America. They had finally found a client from Africa. If they could win this client, the company's annual revenue might increase by several hundred thousand dollars. It was such a great opportunity, she had to seize it.

"No," she forcefully pushed Harrison away, then got out of bed. Harrison wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, his head against hers. "Don't you miss me?"

"I do." Roxanne turned around, lowered her head, and kissed his forehead. "But I need to make money. I have to secure this client."

"Am I not important to you?"

"Harrison. Are you jealous?" She chuckled, both crying and laughing.

He had been jealous of Chloe last night, and now he was jealous of her client this morning.

"You're not exactly young anymore. Why are you still so easily jealous like those seventeen or eighteen-year-olds?"

"How am I not young?"

Indeed, he was still very young. Especially in terms of physical stamina, he might even be stronger than those in their early twenties.

Roxanne knew this very well.

Harrison tried to pull her back onto the bed. Roxanne slipped out like an eel.


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