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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 163

Harrison was on the phone, frowning like a champ.

Roxanne's intuition was on point, like always.

Even though he'd asked the bodyguards to be subtle, Roxanne still noticed she was being tailed.

In awe of Roxanne's sharp instincts, he had to keep playing his part and reassure her, "Anne, chill out. I'll be there in no time. Just park your car outside the police station and stay put. If any baddies are following you, they won't dare make a move there."

Harrison's voice had a calming effect on her, easing her anxiety significantly.

"Okay. I'll wait for you here."

After hanging up, Roxanne heaved a sigh of relief.

Chloe, who was sitting next to her, asked what happened.

"Anne, who's tailing you? Is it really that serious?"

Seraphim Haven was a pretty safe place. Even if they were being tailed, what could possibly happen?

Chloe thought Roxanne was overreacting.

It wasn't until Roxanne filled her in on the recent stalking events that Chloe started to freak out.

"If someone is really tailing you like this, it's definitely dangerous, Anne. Did you see that news online? Someone went missing recently and they think they were stalked. They haven't even found the body yet. Terrifying!"

Roxanne frowned, "I had the same thought, why else would someone be tailing me? I don't have any enemies."

"Don't worry, Anne," Chloe patted her hand, "If we park outside the police station, the bad guys won't dare to do anything. We'll wait for Harrison."

Harrison had Anthony drive him over in a regular company car to the Dragonrow Avenue police station.

Seeing Roxanne's red Porsche, he walked over and got in.

He comforted Roxanne, putting her at ease.

With Harrison around, she wasn't as scared anymore.

Later, Harrison reminded the bodyguards to be more careful, but the next day, Roxanne still felt like she was being followed.

She was walking down a narrow alley in Urban Sun Village.

This alley was so narrow that the bodyguards tailing her had nowhere to hide.

Roxanne looked back.

The two bodyguards, disguised as a couple, kept walking naturally without giving anything away.

Roxanne pretended to stroll on casually. As she walked, she texted Harrison that she was being followed again.

Harrison hurried over to meet her.

Although she was a bit scared, Roxanne acted casual and held Harrison's hand tightly.

"I'll take you somewhere."

With Harrison there, her boldness increased a notch.

She walked ahead, head down.

"Anne, where are we going?"

"Just follow me."

She pretended to be chatting and laughing with Harrison as they entered the deep end of the alley.

After turning a corner, Roxanne pulled Harrison aside, "Shh, be quiet."

When the footsteps got closer, Roxanne jumped out and grabbed one of her stalkers, twisting his arm behind his back to immobilize him.

"Are you following me?"

Roxanne thought, anyone bold enough to tail her must be pretty skilled.

She was prepared for a fight but to her surprise, the guy didn't resist at all.

Even a normal person would fight back when grabbed like this, right?

Seeing his buddy looking at her warily, she quickly said, "Harrison, quick! That's his partner! You need to take him down."

Harrison looked at the bodyguard.

The bodyguard looked back at him.

Their eyes met. Harrison looked serious. The bodyguard thought he was angry.

Did they mess up somehow and upset the boss?

Both bodyguards were big guys, though one was disguised as a woman.

Seeing Harrison's stern face, they were a bit scared but couldn't blow their cover in front of Mrs. Rodriguez.

They were in a pickle.

Being exposed was not because of incompetence, but because the alley was just too narrow. There was nowhere to hide.

The bodyguard posing as a woman, now held by Roxanne, explained in a panic, "Uh... Ms. Martinez, we weren't intentionally following you. We mean no harm."

Roxanne's grip tightened, "You know who I am and you're still saying you're not following me?"

Harrison's face turned even darker.

Couldn't Jack find some smarter bodyguards?

He'd have to give him a piece of his mind.

The bodyguard Roxanne was holding didn't dare resist.

After all, he couldn't very well fight Mrs. Rodriguez.

If it were anyone else, he would've fought back by now.

Mrs. Rodriguez didn't have the strength to keep him in check, but how dare he fight back?

Roxanne was getting more confused. How could someone tailing her be so easily overpowered?

She knew her own strength.

If she were up against a tough bodyguard, she'd definitely lose.

His partner was just standing there, looking scared.


"Who sent you?"

"Our boss."

"Who's your boss?"

Roxanne was determined to find out who had been sending people to tail her every day.

"Spill it!" She twisted the bodyguard's arm harder.

He could've fought back but didn't dare.

Roxanne huffed, "If you're going to tail me, at least send someone competent. A newbie like you can't even beat me. Your boss must've hired a bunch of losers."

The bodyguards were close to tears.

Normally, they could take on ten guys at once.

They're only looking so wimpy 'cause they ain't got the guts to go hard on Mrs. Rodriguez.

Would Mr. Harrison fire them if he heard his wife calling them good for nothing?

Harrison's face was getting darker by the second as he stood nearby.


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