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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 251

"The situation with 6G technology has always been a bit tense on the international stage."

Harrison ruffled Roxanne's hair, as if to reassure her.

"But don't worry. I'll handle it. I just need to fly out to California right away."

6G technology was something Roxanne was well acquainted with.

The phone she was currently using was a product of 6G technology.

6G technology covered many technological fields.

It played a crucial role in remote surgeries in the medical field, for example, and in some important defensive applications.

Certain international factions had always been pouncing to snatch this advanced technology.

This battle between 6G technology and international giants was something Roxanne got caught up in once before.

She almost got taken out by a few mercenaries from overseas.

This heavy burden suddenly appeared like a huge stone crushing down on Roxanne's heart.

She was worried sick about Harrison.

"Are you going there alone?"

"Don't worry. Alexander will be coming along, and we'll have bodyguards."

If it wasn't so urgent, Harrison would have definitely gone to get their marriage license with Roxanne first.

"I need to head to the airport now," he said with regret. "You wait here for a bit. I'll have Anthony come pick you up."

"Hold on a moment."

Roxanne pulled out an amulet from her bag.

She had obtained it from a church in Warmville.

At that time, she had gone to pray herself.

She had got amulets for herself and Chloe.

She saw a pregnant woman next to her was about to get an amulet for her husband.

The woman's husband worked at a company during the day and drove for a ride-hailing service at night.

To make payments on their house and raise their child, he worked tirelessly, often almost dozing off while driving.

Fearing for her husband's safety, the pregnant woman asked for an amulet, hoping it would protect him.

Sometimes, it was good to have faith.

In that moment, Roxanne thought of Harrison.

Although she had been divorced from Harrison for more than half a year, she still cared deeply for him.

She also wondered, if she and Harrison could be like the pregnant couple, just an ordinary couple, would they be happier?

But upon reflection, it wasn't about status.

Ordinary couples had their own troubles, and so did rich people.

No matter who Harrison was or whether they would fight or argue again in the future, being together was all that mattered.

Even if it was just for one day, they needed to get along and love each other well.

She handed the amulet to Harrison. "I asked for this especially for you. Take it, it'll bring you good luck."

Even though Harrison was a highly educated individual, he respected the religious culture that had been passed down for years.

Moreover, they, as businessmen, also believed in these things.

In past years, when conducting real estate business, they encountered some incidents when driving piles into the ground, and they had to perform religious ceremonies to resolve these issues.

Harrison gratefully accepted it.

"I'll take it every day, never leaving it without me."

"Good. I was going to visit dad first, but I will wait until you return and we have our license. Then we can give him a surprise."


"I'll get going. You should hurry to the airport."

As Roxanne was about to get out, Harrison pulled her back in and ruffled her hair. "Wait for me."

Roxanne nodded with a smile. "I will."

After saying goodbye to Harrison, Roxanne headed straight to Chloe's house.

Chloe had prepared a fancy dinner for today.

She had prepared it for Roxanne, thinking that after she and Harrison got back together, they would surely go to President Rodriguez to share the good news.

With the large amount of the dishes, Chloe and the kids couldn't finish it all, so they invited Dominic over.

Halfway through the dinner, the doorbell rang.

Seeing Roxanne at the door, Chloe was a bit surprised.


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