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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 252

There was a good chance she was pregnant.

She'd never missed her period like this before.

Roxanne was increasingly certain that she was carrying Harrison's baby.

Her mood instantly soared.

Singing cheerfully, she drove to the pharmacy before work to pick up three pregnancy test sticks.

When she arrived at the office, Chloe was waiting with a stack of paperwork that needed her signature.

Breezing past Chloe, Roxanne headed straight for the restroom, "I'm tied up right now. Can it wait?"

Chloe was baffled, "What's so interesting in the restroom that it has you grinning like a Cheshire cat?"

Roxanne was unusually high-spirited that day.

She used all three sticks, one after another.

Each one showed two red lines.

It was a done deal.

She was pregnant!

Roxanne was overjoyed and almost dialed Harrison's number, but decided to wait until he returned from his business trip that night to tell him the good news in person.

Because of the ecstasy of picturing the scene of her carrying a baby, she was unable to focus on her work.

Chloe walked into her office for the umpteenth time.

Knocking on the desk, she said, "Come on, Roxanne, we need your signature. Everyone's waiting."

"Just a moment, there's no rush." Roxanne continued browsing the internet.

Chloe was puzzled, "You're always preaching about efficiency. What happened today?"

Noticing Roxanne was shopping online for baby products, Chloe couldn't help but guess, "Are you pregnant?"

"You're right," Roxanne's eyes sparkled with joy.

"I'm going to be a mom, and Harrison is going to be a dad. I'm determined to bring this baby into the world, healthy and strong."

Chloe was amazed at how fast it was.

Roxanne nodded solemnly, "Chloe, there were a lot of reasons why I miscarried last time. Harrison was partly to blame, but so was I. I was too busy, and I didn't even realize I was pregnant. Maybe if I'd realized sooner, it wouldn't have led to a miscarriage. This time, I want to take good care of it, so I might not be coming into the office as frequently. I'll need your help with a lot of things here."

"Of course, I'll support you every step of the way," Chloe replied, clearly happy. "You're 29. It's about time you started a family, but,"

"But what?"

"I'm just worried about when Harrison plans to remarry you, I can't shake this uneasy feeling."

"What are you worried about?"

"I'm just afraid Harrison might let you down again."

Roxanne brushed off Chloe's concern, "We’ve finally got back together, and he's coming back tonight."

"Did he mention when he plans to make it official?"

Harrison hadn't mentioned that, but Roxanne would ask him at night.

Harrison didn't ask Roxanne to pick him up from the airport.

Roxanne had moved to his villa for one month.

By the time Harrison arrived at their home, it was already 11 p.m.

Roxanne was dozing on the couch, but for she had this surprise to tell him, she wasn’t sleeping quite deeply.

The sound of the housekeeper calling Mr. Harrison woke her. She quickly slipped on her shoes and rushed to greet him.

At the elevator, she saw Harrison in suit and tie.

Harrison looked so haggard, his eyes bloodshot, his face covered with stubble. He looked like he had aged a few years overnight.

Even his straight and broad body seemed to collapse at any second.

What happened to him?


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