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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 272

"Angela Martinez, how does that sound?" Dominic pondered.

He had gone through a myriad of poems and trawled through numerous dictionaries.

He had wanted to find a name with a symbolic meaning, but in the end, he chose this name.

Its meaning was as beautiful and adorable as an angel.

Roxanne instantly understood, nodding with delight.

"Angela, what a meaningful name."

Dominic was taken aback, "You really want to use the name I suggested?"

"It's a great name!"

"Dominic, have you considered asking for Harrison's opinion on the baby's name? He is, after all, the father of the child."

Roxanne looked down, mulling over this for a few seconds.

Images of a devastated and defeated Harrison surfaced in her mind.

If her acceptance and letting go had hurt him, then it was a double-edged sword.

While it wounded him, it hurt her too.

She never wished to hurt him in this manner.

She only hoped for a clean slate, free of debts and grudges!

Raising her eyes, she gave Dominic a clear and decisive smile.

"It's best if you name our child. You gave us a second chance at life."

It was indeed a miracle.

When she heard that the baby was born without a heartbeat or breath, she too lost her will to live.

It was Dominic who played a recording of a baby's cry on his phone that brought her back to consciousness.

It was because she insisted on holding her cold, lifeless baby that the baby regained warmth and a heartbeat.

She was grateful to Dominic.

Even though her eyes were shut, she could hear Dominic's fervent prayers.

He was willing to trade thirty years of his life for the safety of her and their daughter.

This love was more significant than anything else.

"Thank you, Dominic, for giving Angela such a meaningful name. From now on, she'll be known as Angela."

Dominic looked down, smiling as he stroked Angela's little face, "Angela, Angela, our Angela has a name now!"

The next day, Angela was handed over to a nanny.

Roxanne went to work.

Being the owner of a company, her time was flexible.

She returned home every two hours to feed the baby.

After all, her office was close to home.

At noon, she was eating with Chloe.

Because she was breastfeeding, she was hungrier than usual and had a bigger appetite, so she added a drumstick to her meal.

She had eaten half of the drumstick in her hand.

Chloe nudged her arm, "Roxanne, Harrison just got out of his Rolls-Royce."

Roxanne wiped the corners of her mouth and looked up.

Harrison, in his posh suit, was striding towards the food stall.

The bodyguards and driver behind him were standing by the car, seemingly ready to take orders at any time.

Such a scene was in stark contrast to the messy and grimy street corner of Urban Sun Village.

As always, it attracted many eyes.

Harrison walked straight towards Roxanne, undistracted.

The drumstick in her hand suddenly lost its appeal.

But Roxanne kept her head down and continued munching on the drumstick.

Harrison hadn't been to a food stall for a long time.

The two tables next to Roxanne were local laborers.

Covered in mud and paint, his sudden arrival interrupted their meal.

Curious, they watched him.

Why would this wealthy, well-dressed man come here to eat rice?

But after a glance, they resumed their meal.


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