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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 273

Roxanne's words were laced with indifference.

But her gaze lingered on the drunken figure of Harrison.

She'd never seen him in such a state.

He was drenched in alcohol, from head to toe.

His usually calm and intelligent eyes were now filled with nothing but pain.

He was still wearing the same suit he had on earlier in the day.

But it was no longer neat.

His black shirt was unbuttoned.

His dark suit and trousers were covered in dust, probably from falling over when Alexander couldn't support him.

Could he avoid falling when he was this drunk?

He was leaning on Alexander, asking, "Are we at Roxanne's yet?"

Alexander nodded frantically, "Yes, we're here, don't you see?"

"I want to see Roxanne!"

Harrison completely disregarded Alexander.

Even though they were there, he seemed oblivious.

Over and over again, he muttered that he wanted to see Roxanne.

Alexander was at his wits' end, "Roxanne, this is it. He's been making a fuss about seeing you, he insists on seeing you."

"Roxanne, who is it at this hour? Do you need any help?"

The voice came from Fiona, the nanny, who had just emerged from the baby's room.

She stood in the living room, peering towards the front door.

Roxanne turned around, "It's okay, Fiona. A friend had too much to drink. Keep an eye on Angela, close the door, and don't wake her up."

If they woke Angela, she would start crying again.

Fiona acknowledged the instruction, noticed the drunken man was male, offered her help if needed, and then tactfully retreated to her room.

At that moment, Alexander's phone rang.

While answering the call, he took the opportunity to push Harrison towards Roxanne.

"Roxanne, can you help him?"

Harrison, unstable due to his drunkenness, stumbled towards Roxanne.

Despite his lean physique, he was tall and heavy.

He was a regular at the gym, and his body was muscular.

He nearly toppled Roxanne with his weight.

Using all her strength, Roxanne managed to support him.

As Alexander was on the phone, he hurriedly told Roxanne, "Roxanne, Harrison insisted on seeing you tonight. Can you let him stay for the night? You can kick him out when he sobers up tomorrow."


Before he could finish speaking, he'd disappeared.

Roxanne inwardly grumbled, questioning if this was how a good friend should behave.

Harrison was completely wasted in front of her.

He was leaning on Roxanne's shoulder, but he kept calling out for Anne.

Roxanne was too soft-hearted!

She couldn't bear to leave him outside.

She patted him on the shoulder, "I'm here, calm down."

Perhaps it was her voice, but Harrison lifted his head from her shoulder.

"Anne, is that really you?"

His eyes were full of intoxication and pain, and his breath was laced with the smell of alcohol.

Roxanne frowned.

Why had he drunk himself into such a state?

"How much did you drink?"

Harrison looked miserable and in pain, and he chuckled bitterly, "How much I drank, do you even care?"

There was no reasoning with a drunk man.

She didn't plan on answering Harrison's question.

She lifted Harrison's arm, propped him up, and sternly coaxed him, "Behave yourself. We're going in, and you're going to bed. No noise. Got it?"

Could a drunk man ever behave?

The small arm supporting his massive figure was gently pulled by him.

He pulled her into his embrace!

Before Roxanne could react, she found herself in Harrison's strong arms.

She was looking up at this man, his eyes full of drunkenness and infatuation.

"Anne, it really is you!!"

"Anne, do you know how much I've missed you?"

He lifted his lips slightly.


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