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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 275

At the foot of their apartment block.

Fiona was strolling around, pushing a baby stroller with little Angela inside, observing the surrounding scenery.

"Look Angela, there's a bird, see the bird? It can fly."

"And there's a little white puppy, isn't it cute?"

From a distance, Roxanne was watching Fiona and Angela with a soft gaze.

Walking towards them, Roxanne was conversing with Harrison.

"Fiona is a very patient and loving nanny. She's only been with Angela for a couple of months, but they've bonded really well. Fiona is very professional too. She's a certified nutritionist, an early childhood education expert, and she's even studied child psychology. She speaks three languages too. With Fiona and the other babysitter helping out, I can rest easy. You can too, Harrison. I assure you, Angela will be well taken care of."

Harrison walked beside Roxanne.

Despite being so close to her, he felt a sense of distance that he had never felt before.

She seemed so unfamiliar, so distant.

His mind was a whirlwind of emotions. Yet, on the surface, he maintained his calm and composed demeanor.

"You must have put a lot of thought into finding Fiona," he remarked.

"Not really," Roxanne replied. "Dominic recommended her. After Angela was born, Dominic did a lot for us."

A sharp pain pierced Harrison's heart at the mention of Dominic.

He halted in his tracks, turning to face her, "Roxanne, are you going to be with Dominic?"

Roxanne paused too, turning to face him.

After a moment of contemplation, she responded firmly.

"Mr. Rodriguez, we agreed not to discuss anything other than Angela, especially not our personal matters. From now on, I hope you won't concern yourself with my personal life."

His words silenced by her blunt response, Harrison followed her towards Fiona and Angela, his heart heavy with defeat.

He tried to lighten the mood by asking, "So, how much does Fiona make a month? She seems very professional."

Roxanne shrugged, "Around three thousand dollars. It's not too much for me to handle since my company's been doing well."

"I'll give you two hundred thousand each month for Fiona's salary and Angela's child support," Harrison offered.

"No need, Harrison. You've already provided plenty of compensation," Roxanne refused.

"I insist," Harrison pressed. "It's the least I can do."

He had an ulterior motive. By making monthly payments, he could find an excuse to chat with her on WhatsApp, in case she decided to ignore him.

Reaching Fiona, Roxanne bent down to kiss Angela, then lifted her up and handed her to Harrison, "You wanted to hold her, didn't you?"

Harrison indeed wanted to hold his daughter, but the surge of emotions left him momentarily paralyzed.

Roxanne moved Angela closer to him, teaching her to recognize people.

"Angela, this is your daddy. Say hi to daddy."

At two months old, Angela didn't really understand.

When Harrison finally gathered his courage to hold Angela, she seemed a bit discomforted by his unfamiliar scent.

Roxanne quickly comforted her, "Don't worry, Angela. This is your daddy. He's not a bad person. Daddy loves you very much, doesn't he?"

She looked at Harrison, waiting for him to affirm her words.

Harrison, being a novice at parenting, didn't catch on immediately.

Roxanne prompted him, "You need to talk to Angela more. Let her get familiar with your voice."

Harrison understood and began to speak to Angela in a soft, cooing tone.

"Yes, Angela. Daddy loves you very much."

Roxanne was pleased. At least Harrison was showing some fatherly love.

She smiled, "Angela, remember daddy's voice, okay? He'll come to see you often."


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