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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 276

The ding of the elevator announced its arrival.

Roxanne, cradling Angela in her arms, stepped inside, positioning herself so that her back was to the door, continuing her one-sided conversation with Angela.

“Don’t cry, Angela, my darling. Mommy will be home soon to feed you your milk!”

Truthfully, she was comforting herself.

Roxanne, don’t cry. Roxanne, you're strong!

She should have faith in her decisions.

Now, even without Harrison’s alimony or Vincent's inherited wealth, she was financially independent.

She wouldn't touch the money Harrison and Vincent had left her.

All of that was meant for her daughter.

Her annual income was enough for her and provided a comfortable life for her daughter.

She was financially independent now.

She'd seen the world and endured through life's stormy weather.

She shouldn't be entangled in the love game anymore.

She should love the world, every little thing in it, her daughter, and herself.

From now on, Harrison was Angela's father, she was Angela's mother.

Beyond that, they were strangers.

Having settled these issues in her mind, her heart seemed calmer, the emotional turmoil had lessened.

She'd heard that emotional distress could affect lactation.

Before nursing Angela, Roxanne had to soothe her emotions.

Then, cheerfully, she fed Angela.

Angela had a habit of stopping halfway through her feed.

She would look up at Roxanne, smile, and play with her.

A two-month-old cutie, she was delightfully enchanting.

Roxanne smiled back at Angela.

The interaction between mother and daughter was supremely heartwarming.

Roxanne's heart, laden with sorrow, was filled to the brim.

Having such a lovely little angel by her side made all the hardship she had endured in bringing her into this world worthwhile.

Fiona asked curiously, "Roxanne, is Angela's biological father a businessman? He has that aura about him. And he seems familiar, like I've seen him somewhere before."

"You might have seen him on the news," Roxanne said, burping Angela who'd just finished her milk.

"Really? I can't seem to remember," Fiona scratched her head in confusion.

Roxanne gave her a hint, "You must have seen the news about the richest man in Seraphim Haven getting engaged to the Dawson family heiress, and then getting dumped by her."

Fiona slapped her thigh, a lightbulb going off in her head, "Of course! Angela's father is the richest man in Seraphim Haven. That explains the aura."

“Wait, the richest man in Seraphim Haven!” Fiona exclaimed, "Roxanne, I couldn't have guessed. You and the richest man in Seraphim Haven have a history, and Angela is the result."

Roxanne simply chuckled, "Unbelievable, right? Ordinary me having a past with the richest man in Seraphim Haven!"

Talking about her past with Harrison now felt like talking about someone else's story.

She found it unbelievable herself.

She was just a simple Cinderella, and yet, she was entangled with the richest man in Seraphim Haven.

But it was a tragic entanglement.

Fiona asked curiously, "Roxanne, how did you meet him and how did you separate? Did he hurt you first?"

Roxanne didn't answer.

Fiona realized she'd crossed a line, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

Roxanne didn't want to malign Harrison.

She simply said, "Mr. Rodriguez is a conscientious entrepreneur, dedicated to his work and the welfare of his employees. He's a good boss."


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