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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 278

Harrison was left speechless.

A fiery anger surged within him, burning uncontrollably in his chest.

He was in a terrible mood, "I need a smoke."

He walked alone to the stairwell, pulled out his pack of cigarettes, and shook one out, lit it, held it between his fingers and took a deep puff.

The taste of nicotine violently washed down his throat and into his stomach, causing discomfort.

He used to smoke rarely.

Now, he always had his pack with him, finishing one in less than a day. But the more he smoked, the more he felt a hollow pain.

In the infusion hall.

It was only after Harrison left that Dominic returned.

The nurse had also helped Angela remove her IV needle.

After sanitizing the area, she gave some instructions.

Fearing the wind, Roxanne pulled out Angela's little blanket from her bag and wrapped it around her tiny body.

"Let's go, it's already late. We should get some rest."

Dominic asked, "Aren't you going to say goodbye to Harrison?"

"No need. I'll just text him after we get in the car," Roxanne replied.

Dominic noticed her gloomy expression and asked with concern, "Did you have a fight with Harrison?"


It wasn't exactly a fight.

It's just that Harrison's current behavior was making her feel rather exasperated.

How should she talk to him?

Could she still rely on him like before, calling him 'honey' as she used to?

She didn't feel secure even before their divorce, let alone now.

Where did Harrison's complaints come from?

"Let's go."

When they got into the car, she had already composed herself.

She calmly and rationally sent a text to Harrison via WhatsApp, [Mr. Rodriguez, Angela's finished her treatment, and her fever's gone down. Don't worry, I'll take good care of her. We're heading home now.]

She added another message, [Thanks for your help today.]

When Harrison saw the WhatsApp message, he discarded his cigarette and returned to the infusion hall.

Roxanne and Angela were already gone from their previous spot.

When he rushed out, Dominic's car was nowhere to be seen.

Under the dark, vast night sky, Harrison's tall and sturdy figure seemed somewhat lonely and desolate.

The streetlight cast a long shadow of him, even the shadow seemed to exude a sense of immense defeat and pain.

The wind blew over, cutting through his body and heart like a blade.

By the time he returned to East Adjacent Estates, it was already three in the morning.

Angela had gone to bed.

Dominic called Roxanne out of the room.

"Roxanne, could you come out for a bit? I want to talk to you."

Roxanne quietly closed the door and walked out.

They sat on the couch in the living room.

Both of them were tired.

In fact, Dominic had been up all night before taking Angela to the hospital.

But now, he wasn't sleepy.

Just sitting quietly beside Roxanne, time seemed to stand still.

Roxanne poured two cups of hot water.

She cut two slices of fresh lemon and put them in the water.

She handed one cup to Dominic, "Here, drink some water. You need vitamin C after staying up all night."

Dominic took it and drank half of it in one gulp.

When he put down the cup, he knew he needed to say something that had been weighing on his mind.

"Roxanne. You should know how I feel about you."

How could she not know?

He had a serious illness, and in order not to burden her, he chose to leave her, bearing the label of a scoundrel, hoping she could forget him and start a new life. How much did he have to love her to make such a tough decision?

And when she was giving birth, she had a near-death experience.

It was Dominic who stayed by her side, encouraging her, giving her the motivation to live.

It was also Dominic, sobbing and crying, begging to exchange his thirty years of life for the safety of Roxanne and her daughter.

And his treatment of Angela, changing her nappies, washing her after a messy poop, rushing her to the hospital in the middle of the night.

There was so much more.

Holding her water cup, Roxanne said, "Dominic, I know what you want to say."

"No, you don't," Dominic looked at her.

She fell silent, listening quietly.


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