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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 277

It was one of those late-night work sessions for Roxanne.

Fiona had called her in a panic, saying that Angela, who was just a little over two months old, had spiked a fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit. She rushed her to the hospital immediately.

Roxanne parked her car and sprinted to the infusion room, her breaths growing heavy with each step.

The sight of Angela, cradled carefully by Dominic, an IV drip in her tiny hand, broke Roxanne's heart.

The needle, she knew, must have hurt.

As she approached, she noticed Angela's eyelashes, wet from crying.

She knelt in front of the little one, Dominic motioning her to keep quiet, "She just fell asleep, whisper."

"Let me hold her," Roxanne said softly.

Dominic shook his head, "She's not settled yet. If we move her now, she'll wake up."

Roxanne was grateful for Dominic's presence. Fiona would've been overwhelmed alone.

Dominic was a natural, his arms encircling Angela like a protective cocoon.

Just then, Fiona came over with a small hot water bottle, which Dominic placed under Angela's hand, "The IV fluid is cold. This will keep her warm."

"Thank you, Dominic," Roxanne said, her heart swelling with gratitude.

"We're family, Roxanne. No need for thank you's," Dominic replied.

Roxanne asked about Angela's condition, to which Dominic frowned and said, "I didn't want her on an IV, knowing full well it's full of antibiotics. But her fever was too high. I was worried about pneumonia or brain damage, so I let the doctors do their job."

Assured by Dominic's words, Roxanne asked if Harrison, Angela's father, had been informed.

Dominic nodded, "He's on his way."

Roxanne felt an unease creeping in, but she hid it well.

Dominic, however, noticed. But he didn't press her. He had always been patient with her, knowing shet wasn't ready yet.

As the night wore on, Harrison was delayed due to a minor car accident caused by a drunk driver.

Fiona, needing rest to care for Angela the next day, was sent home, leaving Roxanne and Dominic in the hospital.

Roxanne soon found herself dozing off, her head resting naturally against Dominic's shoulder.

Dominic, careful not to disturb Angela, gently steadied Roxanne's head with his free hand.

Then, from the corner of his eyes, he studied her. The youthful girl he once knew was now a woman, her face marked by life's trials.

Dominic cherished this moment, holding the sleeping baby and the woman he cared for.

But the moment was interrupted by the arrival of Harrison, his eyes full of hurt and disappointment.


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