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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 282

Mr. Harrison wasn't exactly known for his knack with children. His stern demeanor and lack of a welcoming smile made him a less favorite adult among the youngsters.

But what bothered little Angela the most was his insistence on imposing rules. Even though he barely spent any time with her, he was always ready with a new rule.

Angela didn't appreciate this at all.

Pouting her rosy lips, she muttered, "Go tattle on me to mom then."

Being scolded by her mom was a far more bearable ordeal than having a meal with Mr. Harrison. At least, her mom was gentle even when she was angry.

Seeing Angela's displeasure, Dominic, a dear friend of hers, sighed in resignation.

He couldn't understand why Angela was so averse to Harrison, who was her biological father.

Then, he came up with an idea. "How about this, Angela? I will make you some potato chips. What flavor do you like?"


Angela's eyes sparkled at the mention of chips.

"Alright." Dominic gently ruffled her hair, "Tomato chips it is then. I will make them especially for you. And in return, you will have dinner with Mr. Harrison tonight, okay?"


Angela jubilantly high-fived Dominic.

Food could always work wonders with her.

"Domi, you're the best!" Angela beamed.

Domi was Angela's special nickname for Dominic. Since he was tall, she found the name fitting for him.

Angela shared her deepest thoughts not with her mom, but with Dominic. They were like best friends, sharing everything.

Today was the day Harrison was supposed to meet his daughter.

All his appointments were scheduled by the secretary's office, and the meetings with his daughter were always marked as high priority.

Every bit of the preparation was taken care of, from the reserved box to the gifts. Harrison himself had spent over two hours in a store to pick out three gifts for Angela.

He had sent pictures of all of them to Roxanne, asking her which one Angela would prefer.

Roxanne, after finishing her work, opened his WhatsApp message.

She mulled over the pictures. A beautiful princess dress, a Disney Elsa doll, and a box of fancy chocolates. The dress was nice but not practical. Angela wouldn't be interested in the doll as she was not fond of toys. The chocolates seemed perfect, but Angela was having dental issues and sweets were a no-no.

Roxanne replied back, advising him against the chocolates and suggesting that Angela would like the other two gifts.

Without any further reply from Roxanne, Harrison kept staring at the WhatsApp chat screen.

He scrolled through their past conversations, all of which were about Angela. There was not a single mention of anything else.

His gaze shifted from the bright screen to the silent profile picture of Angela. His mood, too, seemed to dim with it.

His secretary reminded him, "Mr. Harrison, everything is ready. We should start now."

With a nod, Harrison exited the chat and picked up the gifts for Angela. He left his office, brushing past Alexander, who was attempting to discuss some business.


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