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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 283

In truth, Angela adored him, didn't she?

Such a tiny little thing.

Only a few days shy of turning three.

An age of absolute innocence.

Yet Angela knew. He was her father.

But he was a terribly unfit father.

When Angela was still in her mother's womb, he tried to force her to abort the baby.

Cold, determined, pushing Roxanne toward the operating room.

It was only thanks to Roxanne's desperate pleas to the doctor that Angela was spared.

Now, looking at Angela's adorable little face, he realized what a monster he was back then.

He should thank Roxanne.

It was her tenacity that saved Angela.

Because of Angela, his heart softened, he had something to care about. He was less lonely.

But in these three years, he had never fulfilled his duties as a father.

He wasn't there when Angela was born.

He barely spent time with her as she grew.

As the decision-maker of the Rodriguez Group, he couldn't make as much time for Angela as Dominic did.

He stood outside the screen for a long time

, unable to go in.

He thought quietly.

Maybe this was the best outcome.

Roxanne was unhappy with him, she felt insecure around him.

He couldn't give up his career, he couldn't be there for Angela like Dominic.

He can't have his cake and eat it too.

Rather than wallow in self-pity, p

erhaps it's better to forget and move on, like Roxanne said.

Letting go and giving in might not be a bad thing.

As long as Roxanne’s happy!

Having gathered his emotions, Harrison finally moved.

Walking around the screen with gentlemanly poise, he entered, "I'm sorry, I'm late."

"It's fine. We've only just arrived." Roxanne responded politely.

She then signaled the waiter to serve the food.

Harrison only glanced at her briefly.

This suffocating distance and politeness was pushing him further and further away from Roxanne.

Once upon a time, this woman was the closest person to him in the world.

But now, he had to keep a respectful distance, like the Rubicon between them.

He sat down, maintaining a calm and collected facade.

But he felt like he was suffocating.

Thankfully, Angela took the initiative to speak to him today.


Angela climbed off her mother's lap.

She came over to him.

Looking up at him with her bright innocent eyes.

"You look more handsome today!"

"Do I?" Harrison bent over.

Picked up his baby girl, and sat her on his lap, "Where does daddy look handsome today?"

Angela was indeed a little angel.

Just a word from her seemed to chase away all his troubles and helplessness.

Her soft, sweet voice, it was like a magical healing power.

He loved hearing Angela's soft, sweet voice.

The little one couldn't say.

She was looking at her Mr. Hard.

Perhaps it was because his suit wasn't as formal today, it was casual.

It made him feel more approachable.

Or maybe, her daddy seemed to have a slight smile on his face today.

"Daddy in this outfit, so handsome."

"Such a sweet talker."

Harrison lightly pinched Angela's chubby cute cheeks.

"I brought a gift for you."

"Thank you, daddy."

Roxanne watched the two of them.

She didn't know what to feel.

If she hadn't separated from Harrison, they would have had more time together.


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