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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 285

The night was still and silent, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions raging within Dominic.

He wore a facade of calm, his suffering hidden deep within him, his eyes dancing with a gentle, wind-like smile. He gently ruffled Roxanne's hair, whispering to her, "Take your time. You have three days to give me an answer."

Three days.

Three more days of having her in his life.

"The wind's picking up," he said, "Let's head back."

They made their way back to their residential area, where half the homes had already extinguished their lights. The neighborhood was bathed in tranquility, a picture of suburban peace. He wondered about the families living there, the couples who had already drifted into slumber, each household a small unit making up the community.

Dominic owned a house here, yet he didn't have a family to call his own. He deliberately slowed his pace, yearning to keep walking with Roxanne, to walk until dawn if possible. But life was a journey with inevitable crossroads. Not everyone was meant to walk the same path together. Some were destined to part ways midway.

When they reached her doorstep, Dominic wanted to wrap his arms around her, yet he refrained. At the age of twenty, he had wanted to kiss her for the first time. As he leaned in, his nose brushed her cheek, his lips inches away from hers, yet she had dodged. Even then, before Harrison entered her life, she had avoided him. What more now?

Dominic watched as Roxanne disappeared behind her door, then retreated to his own home just one floor up. He stood by the window, watching until the light in her apartment went out. The darkness below mirrored the extinguished hope within him. The cold moonlight cast a somber shadow, a symbol of his melancholy.

The next day, autumn rain poured down all night, and the weather turned cooler. Roxanne sat in her office, lost in thought. An open book on her desk was being flipped page by page by the breeze blowing from the window. Papers were scattered around, a mirror of her chaotic mind.

Chloe stepped into the office, her foot hitting a stray paper. She bent down to pick it up before making her way to Roxanne, "Roxanne, these documents need your signature. What's on your mind?"

Roxanne was usually focused and efficient, her workaholic nature keeping her mind from wandering. But currently, she was consumed by her thoughts, her emotions in turmoil. If only she could be an emotionless machine, she thought. That way, she wouldn't have to deal with guilt or disappointment.

She pushed her personal issues aside, her attention drawn to the envelope in Chloe's hands. "What's that?" she asked.

"It's from the Chamber of Commerce," Chloe replied, handing it over. Roxanne opened it to find an invitation to a Business Conference. She was surprised, having never received such an invitation before despite owning her business for years.

After some thought, she realized it was due to the assets Harrison and Vincent had transferred to her recently. Several office buildings, malls, and chain hotels located in the bustling central business district of Seraphim Haven were now under her name. This transformed her into a wealthy businesswoman, which was probably why she had received the invitation.

"Attending could be a good opportunity to network," she said, glancing at the list of events for the conference. She noticed that the conference was being held at one of the hotels Harrison had given her. She had left the hotel's management to a professional manager, her role limited to reviewing the monthly reports and reaping the profits. As a result, she was unaware of the Business Conference being hosted there.

The next day, at the Business Conference in Seraphim Haven, banners and electronic lights filled the area. The attendees were influential figures from various sectors. Roxanne remembered that Harrison, being a prominent figure himself, would likely attend. But she also knew that he preferred to stay away from the limelight, often having Alexander or Samuel Carter represent him at such events.

However, to her surprise, she saw Harrison at the conference. As the president of the Chamber of Commerce, he took the center seat on the panel, discussing the economy and prospects for future collaborations with confidence and charisma. Despite having been married to him for over a year, Roxanne had never discussed business with Harrison. Listening to him talk, she felt she had learned more than she ever had.

His poise and the aura of power he exuded were not just impressive but also irresistibly attractive. Everyone present was awed by him, perhaps a testament to the aura of a true leader. Roxanne, who was taking notes, paused, her mind drifting away. She found it hard to believe that this exceptional man was her ex-husband. Memories of their past together flooded her mind, making her lose focus.

She was brought back to reality by the two women seated next to her. Roxanne recognized one of them from the news.

Seraphim Haven's young female entrepreneur, as formidable as Evelyn, took over the family business in her twenties. She had a keen mind for business and was often in the news.

"Mr. Rodriguez seems to be looking this way."

"Is he noticing me?"


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