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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 284

Angela was having the time of her life at Universal Studios.

The park closed at 10 PM.

Even after the closing time, it took till about 10:30 PM for all the visitors to finally leave the park.

Angela and her group were one of the last ones to leave.

Even as they left, they were still riding high on the excitement of the day.

It was the first time Mr. Hard had taken her to such a place, and she had thoroughly enjoyed herself.

By the time they returned to their home, Harrison's car was parked at the underground parking space right under Roxanne's apartment building.

Roxanne and Angela went up to their apartment.

But Harrison didn't seem to be in any hurry to leave.

Behind him, Anthony stood respectfully, "Mr. Harrison, Angela and Ms. Martinez have gone up. Shall we head back?"

"Just a moment, I need a smoke," Harrison said, adeptly pulling out a cigarette from his pack.

It seemed that in the past couple of years, his only companions had been his never-ending corporate affairs, and his cigarettes.

Smoking was his way of dealing with all the stress.

Stress upon stress.

In the elevator, Angela suddenly stretched out her small hand, stopping the doors from closing.

"That's dangerous, Angela. You must never use your hand to stop the elevator doors, understand?" Roxanne quickly pulled Angela back.

Just as she was about to pick Angela up, Angela walked back to the elevator doors, stopping them from closing again.

She looked up at Roxanne, "Mummy, can I have a secret chat with Mr. Hard?"

Roxanne frowned.

Angela had always been a bit cold towards Harrison.

She would even resist having a meal with him.

So why on earth would she want to have a secret chat with him today?

They really were father and daughter, after all.

Dominic agreed readily, "Sure, I will take you out."

"No, Domi can't listen."

Angela had never called Dominic 'uncle'.

When she first started talking, she used to call him 'Domi', because he was tall and big.

But Angela always treated him like a friend, and shared everything with him.

But today's secret chat was just for Mr. Hard, and Domi wasn't allowed to eavesdrop.

Dominic felt a pang of jealousy.

They were father and daughter, bound by blood, after all.

But he swallowed his feelings and agreed, "Alright, I will watch you from afar and won't listen."

After Angela stepped out of the elevator, she ran towards Harrison with her short legs.

Harrison quickly extinguished his freshly lit cigarette and tossed it into a nearby trash bin.

He squatted down and picked up Angela, "What brings you back, Angela?"

Angela looked a bit nervous, "Daddy, there's a field trip at kindergarten on Tuesday. Can you come with me? All the other kids will have their mommies and daddies with them."

"Tuesday, huh?" Harrison furrowed his brows. "I have a meeting with a very important leader on Tuesday, so I might not be able to."

"Oh," Angela looked disappointed. "Then never mind. I'll ask Domi."

Harrison felt a twinge of guilt.

His daughter had actually invited him to her field trip.

He had to make time for it, no matter what.

"Tell you what, answer a question for Daddy, and I'll come to your field trip," Harrison looked at Angela.

"What question?"

"Are Mummy and Uncle Dominic planning to give you a little brother or sister?"

"To have a baby, don't they have to kiss?"

Keith, her best friend in class, had told her that.

Keith's parents kissed every day, and then they had a baby sister.


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