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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 314

Was it a hallucination?

That's what Roxanne wondered as she stared, unblinking, at the very much alive Harrison standing before her. She feared that a single flutter of her eyelids would shatter the illusion.

Her gaze was fixed, her body almost turned to stone, as tears began to swirl in her eyes, blurring her vision of Harrison. Panic set in—was he just a figment of her imagination? She wiped her eyes frantically.

She feared that he would vanish once her vision cleared, but there he was, still standing in front of her, taking confident strides toward her. The sound of his approach, the gentle breeze that came with him carrying a familiar scent. It all felt so real and yet so ethereal.

"Harrison, is it really you?" Roxanne whispered, terrified that even her voice could break the spell.

She looked at him with such a pitiful, longing gaze, silently pleading for the mirage to linger, to not fade away so quickly.

Even a second more in his presence felt like immense solace.

Since hearing of the plane crash over twenty-four hours ago, every second had felt like an eternity in a desolate epoch. Roxanne didn't know how she had endured.

She felt a despair so deep it was akin to death.

Yet for Vincent and Angela, she had to feign strength. She convinced herself to eat, to sleep, to muster the energy to care for Vincent, who was even more heartbroken, and to shield Angela from her own fragility.

She was so very tired, at the end of her tether.

And she was close to breaking.

Was this vision a mercy from the heavens, a solace in her time of grief?

Across the room, Vincent and Zoey, along with the other staff, watched in disbelief as Harrison appeared. No one dared to speak, eyes widened in surprise.

Roxanne, consumed by the apparition before her, had forgotten the others around her. She launched herself into Harrison's arms, clutching his neck as if holding on for dear life. Just one more second of embrace was all she asked for.

"Harrison, have you come back to us?" she murmured, her head buried in his chest, unable to hold back the flood of tears soaking his shirt.

"Harrison, what will I do without you? How will I take care of Angela and Vincent?"

She thought this warmth was just a hallucination, a trick her mind played out of longing for Harrison. Or perhaps it was his spirit. After that haunting incident at the Dino Towers, where Mr. Dino had jumped, she, a skeptic of ghosts and spirits, began to believe in the existence of souls.

Maybe Harrison couldn't bear to leave them, so his spirit returned to check on them.

"Harrison, didn't you say you wanted us to remarry?" She clung to him, pleading. "I agree, let's remarry. Please don't go. Come back to me, will you? I can't handle it alone."

"Grandpa, why is Mommy crying like that?" Angela, perched on her grandfather's lap, didn't understand what was happening.

They had kept the truth about the plane crash from the innocent child.

Vincent was just as perplexed by Harrison's sudden appearance as Zoey and the household staff.

Zoey whispered, "Mr. Rodriguez, could this be Harrison's spirit?"

Vincent couldn't answer.

They didn't promote superstitions, but as businessmen, they paid heed to mysticism.

Vincent felt something uncanny at play. Could it actually be Harrison's spirit?


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