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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 315

Harrison's heart ached as he watched Roxanne's tear-streaked face crumble in sorrow.

Gently, he wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Each scalding drop fell heavily, landing in the palm of his hand.

"I'm sorry, Roxanne," he whispered, pulling her close and kissing her forehead. "I staged that plane crash. It was all a sick charade."

"I'm really sorry." He kissed her hair more deeply, burying her head against his chest.

"What did you say?" Vincent, who'd been lounging on the couch, carefully set Angela down on the floor.

Patting Angela's little head, he whispered, "Angela, why don't you go play with Zoey downstairs for a bit? Grandpa needs to talk to Daddy, okay?"

Then, he shot Zoey a look.

Zoey immediately stepped forward, taking Angela's hand and heading out. "I’m gonna take you on a little autumn adventure."

Angela obediently followed out.

Once Angela was out of earshot, Vincent approached Harrison, who had just released Roxanne from his embrace.

Looking both guilty and apologetic, Harrison glanced at Vincent and said, "Dad, I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up. You thought I was really gone, and ended up in the hospital because of me."

"You staged the whole plane crash?" Vincent could hardly believe his ears.

Of course, having his son alive was a blessing.

But to deceive everyone with such a low tactic was unfathomable.

It wasn't a big deal that Vincent himself had fainted from shock – he was old bones, after all.

But did Harrison have any idea what Roxanne had been through these past days?

Vincent demanded to know how Harrison pulled off the deception.

In a mix of long and short explanations, Harrison came clean.

The news of the plane crash was a fake webpage created by Dominic and pushed to Roxanne, Vincent, and a few others' phones.

It made them believe the crash was real.

But the news wasn't widespread; it was targeted. Dominic only sent it to specific people, sparing the Rodriguez Group from any negative impact.

"Who else is in on this?" Vincent pressed.

Harrison honestly replied, "For the whole thing to work, only Alexander and Dominic knew. Dad, I'm sorry for this."

"There are a hundred other ways you could have gone about this. Why choose such a ploy?"

Vincent was livid, his mustache almost bristling with anger.

He snatched up a mug from the coffee table and hurled it at Harrison.

It hit Harrison square in the forehead, immediately raising a bruise.

Harrison knew he had played dirty, and indeed he had caused his father undue concern.

Thankfully, Vincent wasn't dead from the shock.

Otherwise, Harrison would have been the son who killed his father with worry.

He could have dodged the flying mug with his reflexes, but he didn't.

"Dad, calm down, don't hurt yourself over this."

How could Vincent not be furious?

He grabbed another mug to throw at Harrison, but Roxanne quickly took it. "Vincent, please don't be angry. Harrison's safe now, isn't he? Please don't blame him. He’s alive, and that's all that matters."

All mistakes weren't mistakes anymore.

Roxanne had realized the truth; as long as Harrison was alive, nothing else mattered.

Even now, she could hardly believe he was still with her.

After taking the mug from Vincent's hand, she stared at Harrison unblinkingly, filled with the relief of his survival.

She knew the peace of this moment was hard-earned.

She didn't want to blame anyone anymore.


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