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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Feeling the frown take over my face I looked at my mom. She looked so much younger and happier here. The reaction she gave me growing up was that she hated my dad with a passion. Was that all a front?

"Why did you make me believe that you hated him?" I asked folding my arms over my chest.

"Why did you knock over Blazes bike?"

Great we were back to her ignoring my questions and trying to change the subject.

"Because he's a fucking asshole" I yelled "He thinks I'm his. The guys nuts".

"Ava calm down" She said approaching me "Come back to your party" Placing her hand on my arm I shrugged it off.

"No mom you go back to the party and I'll go home".

"Ava we ca-"

"I'm going home" I said cutting her off "You can come back with me or you can stay here. I don't care any more but I will not be staying here. I came here to see him again and now I wished I hadn't. That man in there is not my dad anymore. He's not the man that was there when I was little. That in there is a monster. I'm a grown women mom and I want to make a good living for myself. I will not ruin all my hard work by being involved with what they do". Feeling my heart thud through my chest I looked at her to see she had began to cry.

"I-I can't leave him again" She sobbed

"You don't have to" I whispered taking her hand in mine causing her to look at me.

"What do you mean Ava?".

"Stay here mom. He's obviously a better man with you by his side" I spoke

"You cant go home on your own Ava. What if something happens to you?" She whispered wiping at her eyes.

"I love and respect you mom. I always have and always will but I need to go home. I don't belong here and I never will. Please don't make me feel guilty about going home" I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

"Look at my baby" She cried "All grown up, if you want to go home Ava then baby I won't stop you. I never was going to either. He does love you you know, he may look like a big tough guy but you will always be his baby and no matter what he will always protect you" She whispered kissing the side of my head.

Hearing that about my dad was hard to believe. He had hardly spoken to me at all. "Can you please get my bag for me it's in there somewhere and mom what ever you do don't tell dad I'm leaving" I begged

Nodding her head she pulled me to her "Please be safe Ava and if theres any trouble at all you call me. Go wait by your car. I'll be back soon".

As she began to walk away from me I felt the tears spring to my eyes. I wanted this but I never realised how hard it would be to leave my mom. Wiping away my tears I straighten my shoulders and made way for my car.

Leaning on the hood I stared at the clubhouse. Was I meant to be here? Is this where my life was suppose to be? Could it be better here if I make the effort?

What was I going to do about Blaze? There was no doubt I liked him but I didn't trust him. A biker sticking to the one women? I wasn't prepared to get my heart broken.

"Darlin" came his smooth husky voice.

Closing my eyes I kept my head down. I was hoping I wouldn't have to see him. I needed to forget about him. No matter that he thinks I'm his we could never be.

"You just going to leave without saying goodbye?" He asked

Keeping my head down I could feel his breath on my hair. Goosebumps appeared on my skin as a shiver rocked through my body.

Feeling his hand caress my cheek he placed two fingers under my chin pulling my head up so I could look at him. Staring into his eyes my breathing hitched. He was looking at me the way my dad looks at my mom.

"What do you want me to say Blaze?" I asked causing his hand to fall from my face. "I hardly know you and your already saying I'm yours. You like me then you hate me. I'm confused".


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