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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 107

Chapter 107

Just as I had finished wrapping the towel around my body my mom walked into the bathroom.

"Need any help A?" She asked coming to my side and taking a hold of my arm. "They're in church, Blaze told me you were in here so I thought you'd need some help".

Helping me back into the bedroom I took a seat on the edge of the bed. "That explains why he didn't come back. Do you know how long they're going to be?" I asked

"I don't baby but you know what it's like" She smiled "What have you got planned for today?"

"Blaze is taking me for breakfast and then I have to go pick up some work from the hospital. What are you doing? Where's my handsome little guy been hiding?" I smiled feeling like I hadn't seen my little brother in ages.

"He's sleeping" She grinned "Its all he ever does sleeps and eats. He's exactly like you were when you were that age. He's getting so big already Ava".

I knew my mom had a lot of love for the both of us. Her eyes lit up every time she spoke about us. She wasn't a bad mom she never has been and if it wasn't for her god knows what I'd have turned into.

"So you and Blaze?" She smirked

Nodding my head yes she took a seat next to me on the bed. Taking my hand in hers she laced our fingers. "Are the both of you going to try this time?" She asked. I knew she was only worried about me and she was my mom so I was expecting it.

"I've finally dropped my barrier and we're both going to try and make it work this time. I want to make it work and so does he. It feels different this time I can't explain it".

"You know he didn't leave your side in that hospital not once".

"I know" I whispered

"He does seem to really love you Ava and sometimes that's hard to come by baby. I'm just making sure you're all in this time".

What was she getting at?

"Mom I know what I'm doing we're giving it a proper go now can we please stop talking about it?".

"I just don't want you to get hurt again Ava...."

"I thought you wanted me to be with Blaze?" I asked starting to get annoyed.

"I do I just want you to be careful I don't want you to go through what you did the last time. I'm sorry for interfering in your life Ava but I just want my happy girl back".

Sighing I squeezed her hand gently "I'm doing good mom and for once I feel happy with being here. Stop worrying so much about me I can take care of myself".

"I'll always worry about you and you're a Mendez of course you can take care of yourself" She winked getting to her feet. "I'm going to put on some coffee would you like some?".

"Please" I answered just as Blaze walked in with 2 mugs in his hand.

"Looks like you bet me too it" My mom smiled "Let me know when you're leaving I need you to grab me a few things when your out".

Handing me my coffee I brought the cup to my nose inhaling deeply. There was no better smell than fresh coffee in the morning.

"Anything else planned for today?" He asked leaning against the chest of drawers.

"After breakfast could you take me to the hospital I have a few things I need to grab".

"Sure thing sweets let me grab a shower and then I'm all yours".


"You seriously need to stop buying and taking me out to eat" I sighed rubbing at my stomach. I was burst and currently sporting a food baby.

Laughing he signalled right and moved out onto the main road. "Ain't nothing sexier to me than a woman than can eat" He growled.

Rolling my eyes the rest of the car journey was peaceful. I was starting to get bored hence the reason I was going to get some work to do at home. I still couldn't do much and there was only so much television I could bare.

"You staying here for a bit?" He asked pulling into the hospital car park.

"Pick me up at 11. 30?" I smiled. That gave me a hour of not having to stare at the same 4 walls back in the clubhouse.


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