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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119

"How do you think I'm feeling?"

"He'll pull through Ava. Blaze is the strongest guy I know".

"Then why hasn't he woke up yet?"

Wrapping his arm around my shoulder he pulled me into him. "He'll pull through I know he will".

For the next few minutes we sat in silence. I loved how peaceful it was at night. "Are you serious about wanting to be involved?".

"Deadly serious" I didn't even have to think about my answer. This had been going on far to long.

"Clubhouse tomorrow at 10"...

"I'm not leaving him"

"You two are well suited" He laughed pushing against my shoulder "He said the exact same thing with you".

"I want kept in the loop, I want to know what's going to happen and how we're going to take them down but I can't leave the hospital until I know he's awake".

"I get it darlin' but you have a lot to learn and for that to happen you need to be at the clubhouse".


"Ava I can't teach you how to shoot a fucking gun in a hospital. Don't give me that look darlin' you want to be involved then first things first. I have to teach you how to protect yourself".

"And a gun is going to protect me?" I asked

"It'll sure fucking help" He grunted "I know you don't want to be away from him but a few hours a day isn't going to hurt".

He was right I did need to learn how to protect myself. "Fine but don't get pissed if I accidentally shoot you".

Chuckling deeply he got to his feet "He'll fucking kill me for this". Running a hand through his hair and sighing he crouched down in front of me. "I'll do anything to protect you and your mom but it is time I finally let you in now come back inside it's freezing"

"Give me a minute".

Resting my head on my knees everything hit me like a train, my emotions got the better of me and I let them.


Snapping my head up I gazed at the figure in front of me.

"I want to help".


Wiping my eyes I got to my feet. Nate was here and he wanted to help.

"He's my brother Ava, he's the only family I have left. Yes he hates my guts but I would still do anything for him and those bastards will pay for what they've done to him".

I get that he wanted to help but what could Nate do? He wasn't a brother, he wasn't a member of devils due. Yet thinking about it what the hell could I do? I had fired a gun once and that day luck was on my side. I didn't know how I was going to help but I'd be damned if I was going to sit at home doing nothing. I could be a hard faced bitch when I wanted to and from now on I know I had to be ready for anything.

"Nice to see you without the casts on. How you holding up?" He asked taking a step closer.

This wasn't about me it was about Blaze. I get he wanted to see how I was doing but I couldn't think of anything else except Blaze waking up.

"It's nice to have the use of my leg and hand again" I smiled "My dads in there you better go speak with him". I didn't want it to come across as me brushing him off but Nate was the last thing on my mind right now and I know that sounded horrible.

"Come in with me before you catch a cold. You're hairs soaking and I'm pretty sure he'd kick my ass if he knew I was letting you stand out here".

I guess he was right but the fresh cool air against my skin felt good. I felt like for the first time in months I could breathe.


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