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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124

"You're like my little sister Ava and regardless of the past you've grown on me so pull anymore of that shit and I'll kick your ass, got it?".

Grinning at him I pulled him in for a hug "I'm sorry I was mad but I'm still pissed at you for letting him do that. I'm going back inside and if you hear gun shots don't be alarmed it's just me" I smirked grabbing a hold of Ally's arm and pulling her with me.

I could hear the shouting before I even made it to his room. Always aggressive, shouting his head off and threatening to shoot people if they didn't get out his way.

Yep that was my man right there..... rolling my eyes I opened the door the room falling silent.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He growled

Glaring at him I crossed my arms over my chest. Was he really wanting to start an argument in front of my dad? In front of his brothers?

"That's our cue to leave boys" My dad smirked rubbing the top of my head "Give him hell sweetheart" He whispered closing the door behind him.

I hadn't moved, I was still glaring at him and he was doing the same. I don't know why he's pissed he had no right to be. I wasn't braking the silence I was to stubborn for that and he knew it but it seemed he was playing me at my own game.

Having enough of the silence I gave in "I'm not doing this Blaze. Y'know for the past four months I've been here, I've been by your bed. I've put my job on hold heck I've put my life on hold because I thought you were my love. What you did today, do you know how angry I am at you? Not only did you hurt me you embarrassed me. You need time to get better and I need time to think about forgiving you".

He said nothing and that gave me the strength to leave him. Closing the door behind me I wiped at the tears that spilled from my eyes. I needed time to build myself back up again, to throw myself back into work and to feel like me again.

"Hope you gave him hell darling" my dad grinned as he threw his arm over my shoulder. "Can you get someone to take me home please?" I asked ignoring what he had said. I wasn't in the mood for conversation, I wasn't in the mood for anything.

"Home?" My dad frowned

"Yes home" I whispered trying to keep my cool and not cry in front of him.

"Jared" My dad yelled calling him over "Yes prez?" I knew Jared was staring at me I could feel him but I was looking at my feet. I just wanted to go home and be by myself.

"Take Ava home and don't leave her on her own". That wasn't what I asked him... I didn't want any company I just wanted to be on my own so I could think.

"Sure thing my bikes out front" Walking away from the two of them I walked outside the hospital doors not looking back.


After an hour of convincing Jared that I was okay and that he didn't need to babysit me he finally left. Ally had texted me letting me know she'd be over within the next half hour so that gave me enough time to get a bath and slip into my pjs.

I hadn't heard from him. No texts no calls no nothing but surprisingly I was okay with it. We needed a break and I know he's just woken up but after todays events I needed for him to give me time. Slipping on my bathrobe I grabbed my phone about to order food when it vibrated notifying me that I had a text.

I miss you

My heart dropped, I was handling it better when he didn't try and contact me. We needed space I knew that and so did he but I knew how possessive and protective he was. I missed him to and wanted nothing more than to drive back to the hospital and curl up beside him but I wasn't doing that. He needed to realise that what he did today wasn't okay. Not even a minute later another text came through.

Baby I'm sorry. I fucked up.


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