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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 126

Chapter 126

Trying to hold my laugh in I placed my hand over my mouth. He looked furious. Was it bad that I was enjoying it? Probably. I wasn't standing out here anymore. I was giving him the opportunity to say something and yet he stayed silent.

"I need a drink" I muttered ignoring the glare he was still giving me. My hand on the door was as far as I got before I was wrapped up in his arms, his head buried in my neck.

Sighing I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him to me. Okay so I lasted a few hours but who cares I missed my guy and I needed to feel him, I needed to be in his arms.

"We need to talk baby" He whispered his hands sliding from my waist and resting on my arse.

"We need to fuck" I smirked licking up the side of his neck.

"Ava" He hissed as I snuck my hand down the front of his jeans and inside his boxers. "Baby stop" He groaned causing my hand to stop stroking his length.

"What?! Don't you want me Blaze?" I whispered knowing this was the drink talking. Removing my hand I stepped back a little so there was some distance between us. "Why are you out of the hospital? You should still be resting" I said

"I would still be there if I didn't get a call saying my old lady had turned up at my strip club with her friends".

"I can do what I want" Yes again that was the drink talking. The confidence was cursing through my body.

"Is that what you think?" He growled trying to close the distance between us but I kept moving out his way. "I'm here with my friends Blaze and you crashed my party once again. I'm allowed to have a good time every once in a while". I huffed crossing my arms over my chest. "Can't you leave me alone for one night? I don't want to think about us. I want to go have fun and to get drunk and to just forget".

"Fuck off then" He snapped his teeth clenched and hands balled into fists.

Frowning I was a little taken aback by how rude he was being, but I wasn't going to let him see that I was hurt. Straightening my shoulders I pushed past him "Gladly" I hissed walking back inside, hearing him curse and a few bangs on the door told me he's probably just broke his hand.

It took everything in my body not to go back to him. Wiping away my tears as I walked back to the both I grabbed the bottle of champagne that was in the ice bucket and poured myself a glass. The girls were on the dance floor as 'hypnotise' by Notorious B. I. G came blaring through the speakers. So that left me at the table with Hawk, Tommy and Duke who had two girls hanging off him.

I wasn't in the mood anymore and I wanted to punch him in the throat. Glaring at him I picked up my glass and downed what was in it.

"She doesn't like you" I heard one of the girls snigger "Probably jealous because she isn't wrapped around you". The other one laughed.

Choking on my drink I tried my hardest not to say something. "I wonder where Blaze got to" One of the bitches sitting on his lap said.

Okay that caught my attention. Duke stiffened as he looked at me. Yes I had a face like thunder, why was she asking about my man? Screw the glass, bringing the bottle to my lips I took a large drink before setting it back on the table.

"He's not the same anymore" The girl on the left whined "Ever since he made it official with his old lady" she huffed "I bet she's ugly and can't fulfil his sex habit".

By this point I was shaking and that hadn't gone unnoticed by Duke.

"Ladies it's been a pleasure but fuck off" He growled making the two girls jump up from his lap and scramble. By this point it was only myself and Duke left at the table. Blaze hadn't come back and the girls were still on the dance floor.

"By all means you didn't have to stop because of me. I'm used to getting called much worse" I hissed taking the bottle and placing it at my lips. Once there was nothing left I dropped it on the floor next to me hearing it smash beneath my feet "Oh well".

"What's wrong Duke? Cat got your tongue? Pretty sure you owe me an apology for ruining my relationship". I spat

He just stared at me not saying a word. Making a face at him I grabbed a fresh bottle of champagne and attempted to leave the both.

"You're going nowhere" Blaze growled his hand on my waist, his grip tight.

"That's what you think" I growled back "Get out of my way Blaze" As I began to struggle I slipped on a piece of the broken glass and fell to the floor.

Hissing at the stinging pain that shot through my hands and my legs. I hit his hands away when he tried to help me up.

"Stop it" He yelled as he threw me over his shoulder and marched me out of sight. I only stopped pounding on his back when my emotions took over and I was sobbing.


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