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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 128

Chapter 128

"Still sore" I whispered sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. Smirking he slid his hands from my waist and placed them on my ass "And here I thought it was because you were still mad".

Rolling my eyes at him I brought my hand up and flicked his nose. "I am" I grinned as the smirk fell from his face and he growled at me. "Told you'd I'd take you over my knee if you did that again" Rubbing his nose I bit my lip to stop me from laughing.

"Pretty sure I've heard that before" I grinned placing my hand on my hip "How many times are you going to say it before you actually do it?"

"Come here" He smirked as I shook my head no. I wasn't falling for that one because I knew he'd have me under him within minutes.

"Are you going to leave the guys out there?" I asked pouring myself some orange juice. Water wasn't making me feel much better.

"Not staying long babe just wanted to come talk about last night". Moving forward he stood in front of me. "You hit the drink pretty hard Ava".

"I know" I sighed sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. I embarrassed not only him but myself and I knew he wasn't going to let that slip. "But can you blame me?" I whispered not sure how the rest of this conversation was going to go.

"It's not an excuse to get shit faced Ava" Running a hand through his hair he pulled out a smoke.

Frowning I placed my hands on my hips "So I need an excuse to go out and have fun with my friends?". Now I knew exactly how this conversation was going to end.

"I never said that now did I?" He growled taking a long draw of his smoke. "What if I hadn't of showed up?".

"You didn't have to show up" I argued "But you did just like you always do when I'm doing something you don't like".

"That's not fair I'm-..."

"But it's true" I sighed cutting him off "You should still be resting. I was in no danger last night, I was having a good time" I wasn't but he didn't need to know that. All I could think about while I was there was him.

"Is that what you call having a good time?" He hissed "Acting like that in my club? Making a fool of yourself in front of my brothers?".

It was like he had sucker punched me, knocked the wind out of me with the hurt that built up in my chest. "I can't believe you just said that" I whispered swallowing the lump that had appeared in my throat. "Did it ever cross your mind that I was in that state because of you" I yelled dumping my glass in the sink.

He didn't answer me...

"I have to get ready for work. You can show yourself out" I whispered pushing my way past him only for his hand to reach out and grab my wrist. Pulling me too him he wrapped his arms around my waist tight.

"I don't want to fight darlin'.....

"Then you need to think before you speak" Pushing on his chest his arms slipped from my waist "You better get going, I'm sure you've got somewhere you need to be".

"I'm not leaving until we fix this" He grumbled just as his phone started to ring.

"What?" He yelled answering it.

Sighing I stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek "Go" I whispered his eyes never leaving mine as I left the room.


Pulling on my black Nike sneakers I stood from my bed and ran my hands over my uniform. I was nervous so much so my hands were sweating.

"Ever told you how sexy you look in that uniform?" Came his low growl.

"Thought I told you to go" Standing in front of my full length mirror I pulled my hair into a messy bun. "Pretty sure you're busy Blaze". Catching a glance at him through the mirror our eyes connected.

My god he was beautiful as sin.

"You really gonna stay mad over this?" He asked my eyes dropping to the floor. I didn't want to stay mad but I also wanted to teach him a lesson.

"I'm not some piece of ass you get to test when you want" I whispered finally finding my voice. "I'm meant to be your old lady yet you made me feel like one of those girls that get passed around at the club". I didn't look up to meet his gaze, I didn't want to see what he was thinking.

"Darlin' I told you-....."

"He walked in on me half naked" I said cutting him off. "Did you really ask him to seduce me?" I had to get this off my chest. I knew Blaze was possessive of me especially when it came to other men.

Grunting he took a seat on my bed. "I wasn't testing your loyalty Ava and no I didn't ask him to seduce you".

I couldn't tell if he was lying.


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