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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14

"How does he know?" I asked looking back and fourth between Blaze and Tommy.

"Sent me to check on you early darlin'. Came by here first and you weren't in. Only other place you could have been was the hospital".

"That doesn't answer my question. How does he know?"

"Didn't check in with him when we arrived. Never told me how he knows. He just said we've to bring you home" He said lighting up a cigarette.

"Fuck" Blaze cursed causing me to look at him. "Get your shit ready. We're leaving tonight" he snapped before storming out the room.

"I'm not leaving tonight" I whispered "I can't". I was screwed, if my dad comes up here he won't come alone. A gang of motorbikes riding through the town would draw attention. It would ruin my reputation.

"Darlin' you don't really have a choice. VPs already pissed. He's a mean bastard as it is. Please just get some stuff together". Tommy left my room giving me a hopeful look before closing the door.

How can he expect me to leave tonight? It would take us atleast 2 days to get there. I haven't even spoken with the hospital to see about a transfer. I wasn't going to NewYork without securing my job first. I had to get out of here without them knowing.

Throwing the towel of my now dry body I quickly changed into clean clothes. Tying my hair into a messy bun I grabbed my bag searching through it for my keys.

"Fuck" I cursed remembering I didn't drive here and that Blaze still had my car keys.

"Ava you ready?" Blaze asked from outside my door.

Taking a deep breath I walked to my door and opened it "I can't leave" I mumbled chewing on the inside of my mouth. I knew what was going to happen but he had to understand I had a life here, my job was here.

"Like hell you can't Ava. Pack a bag and get that little ass downstairs. We have to leave now" He growled causing me to take a step back.

"My job Blaze" I snapped folding my arms under my chest and glaring at him "I need to secure my job first. I can't just up and leave".

"Downstairs Ava. 5 minutes" He snapped through clenched teeth.

"Don't tell me wh-.."

"Do you want him to come back and finish the job?" He snapped grabbing my face in two hands cutting me off "Do you want him to rape you this time? These guys don't play around Ava. Maybe if he did rape you you'd already be on the back of my bike by now " He roared spit landing on my face "

Feeling the sting on the palm of my hand I glared at him through tears "Fuck you" I screamed turning my back on him and returning to my room. I can't believe he just said that.

Slamming the door shut hard I let out the sob I was holding. Grabbing as much clothes as I could I through them into my suitcase. How could he say something like that? Zipping up my suitcase I pulled my leather jacket of the end on my bed and put it on. After putting on my boots I grabbed my suitcase and made my way downstairs.

He was nothing but a cold hearted bastard and I wanted nothing more to do with him. I didn't ask for any of this, I didn't ask to be attacked and nearly raped. I didn't ask to be dragged into some rivalry with the MC and I certainly didn't ask to be Frances Mendez's daughter.

Bumping my case down the stairs I placed it at the front door. He can think again if he thinks I'm riding with him. Walking into the livingroom I ignored them all and escaped to the kitchen.

Grabbing my unfinished bottle of wine I grabbed my glass and filled it to the top. I had never felt so angry than what I feel right now. After what had almost happened tonight he speaks to me like that. Was it my fault?

After taking a long drink I placed my glass on the table and went about getting what I needed. Standing on my tip toes I reached for my medical supplies only for an arm to snatch out infront of me and place it on the table.

Turning round the glare fell onto my face instantly. I didn't want to see him heck I didn't want to be around him. Leaning back against the counter I took my glass and stared straight ahead ignoring him as if he wasn't here.

"I didn't mean what I said" He groaned running a hand through his hair "I'm just-It's-.."

"I really don't care" I snapped still not giving him a second glance. Finishing my wine I placed the glass in the sink, grabbed my supplies and attempted to get out of the kitchen.

His arms were around my waist before I could blink. "Get off of me" I hissed struggling in his hold. "Seriously you're hurting me".


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