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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140

"Again" Theo growled as I punched the bag. Left right left right. I had been continuously hitting this bag for over an hour. My arms were killing me and I was sweating in places I didn't know I could.

"Now next turn I want you to add in your knee" Tony was holding the bag as I continued to hit it.

My body was aching but never once did I give up. Never once did I run my mouth like I wanted to. My arms hurt, my legs hurt heck even my ass cheeks hurt but deep down this was working.

"Take a break get some water. I want you skipping within the next 10 mins". Theo patted me on the back before he left me alone with Tony.

Collapsing onto the floor I lay flat on my back my breathing ragged. I was knackered.


Opening my eyes I sat up a groan falling from my lips as I took the water from him. "Thanks" Gulping down the water I wiped a hand across my forehead.

"Is he always this tough?" I asked

"What's wrong little girl? Can't handle a bit of sweat?"Tony chuckled making me scowl.

"Your dad was right" Getting to my feet I wiped my hands off my ass "You are a jackass" Just as I was about to walk away his hand latched onto my wrist and I freaked out.

"Don't fucking touch me" I screamed "You don't get to put your hands on-..."

"Tony out" Theo was beside me crushing my arms to my side "Breath Ava just breath" He whispered "No one is touching you just breath in and out nice and easy".

Doing as he said my heart had finally settled in my chest. Opening up my eyes I felt the tears on my cheeks "I'm so sorry I have to go" But I couldn't get out of his grip, he wasn't letting me go.

"Stop running and face it" His stern voice woke something inside of me "Face it darling don't run from it. Now I want you to grab those skipping ropes and don't stop until you get the hang of it".

Taking another deep breath I quickly scanned the room noticing Tony had disappeared.

"I'll be back in a little bit I need to take care of something and don't worry no one is here".

Nodding my head I grabbed the skipping ropes like he asked. The last time I skipped I was 10 and I'm pretty sure it's not the skipping he wants me to learn.

He didn't come back and I had yet to get the hang of it but my body couldn't take anymore. I was hurting all over and couldn't wait to face plant my bed. Deciding I had done enough I hung the ropes back on the wall and went to grab my stuff.



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