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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16

A strangled scream escaped my mouth as I jumped up from my bed. Trying to calm my breathing I closed my eyes and counted to ten. It was just a dream. Wiping the sweat from my forehead I reached over and turned on my bedside lamp. Catching a glimpse of the time I groaned out loud. I had only been sleeping for an hour.

Getting out of bed I ripped the clothes from my body that were now drenched in sweat. I wonder if Blaze is awake? Rummaging through my closet I pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt. If he was asleep I could get out of here without him. Too much had happened for me to be around him. Trying to be as quiet as I could I pulled my boots on along with my leather jacket and made way for my bedroom door. Hopefully he had left my car keys on the kitchen table.

Creaking open the door I held my breath and listened for any movement. Hearing the soft snores coming from my spare room I let out the breath I was holding and done a silent prayer. Closing the door behind me I tip toed my way across the landing and quietly down the stairs.

If I managed to leave without him knowing where would I go? I didn't want to head back to New York and I didn't have what you called friends around here. Never let myself make any friends and I'm sure April would find it strange if I turned up at her house at 3 am.

Walking through my living room I went straight to the kitchen in hopes of finding my keys. Feeling my mouth pull into a smile I could have jumped for joy when I noticed them sitting in the fruit bowl. Shoving them into my Jean pocket I about turned and jumped when I caught Blaze looking at me from where he stood slouched against my livingroom door.

"Going somewhere darlin'?"

Oh boy he did not look happy!

"I - um grocery store" I swallowed feeling the heat travel from my neck onto my face.

Taking my bottom lip between my teeth I folded my arms across my chest. Why did I feel like a child that had just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar?

"Where were you going Ava?" He asked pushing himself of the door and making his way towards me.

Letting out a sigh I released my bottom lip and looked at him "A walk I need to get out of here, I need some air".

"You need your car keys for that?" He nodded quickly shooting out his hand and grabbing my keys from my pocket.

Hey" I snapped hitting at his hands "Give them back to me" I huffed watching him slide them into his back pocket.

"No" He smirked his eyes raking over my body making a blush appear on my cheeks.

"You're an asshole" I barked feeling my heartbeat quicken as he closed the distance between us or noses touching.

"W - What are you doing?" I squeaked feeling my breath catch in my throat. I hated how he made me feel.

Moving his head slightly caused his nose to brush against mine. "You tryin' to sneak out on me sweetheart?" He whispered his breath fanning across my mouth causing a shiver to make its way through my body.

"N - no" I stuttered hating myself for sounding so breathless.

"Lies Ava" Bringing his hand up he pulled at my bottom lip releasing it from between my teeth "Stop doing that" He mumbled rubbing his finger along where I had bit.

"Bad habit" I replied not once taking my eyes of his. They were so captivating I couldn't look away. Why did I feel like this with him? This was the first time I had seen him in a year and I still felt the way I did when I first met him.

"You should be getting some sleep Ava not trying to run out on me" He sighed running a hand over his tired face.

"Had a dream" I shrugged moving past him so I could take a comfy seat in the livingroom. "Before you ask I don't want to talk about it".


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