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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22

"Fine sit or stand I don't care. Lets get down to buisness no-.."

"Why do I have to be here?" I asked cutting him of. This was club business and I wasn't part of the club. Its not as if they were going to listen to me or even want to hear my input.

"This involves you Ava and I need to know everything" My dad growled sounding frustrated.

"I told your VP everything and I'm sure he's filled you in. Now if you don't mind I would rather be anywhere but here" Turning on my heel I put my hand on the doorknob. "Ava I'm not finished now sit fucking down" My dad yelled slamming his fist of the table.

"Well I am don't worry about me now just because someone wants to kill me. I can take care of myself old man. I don't need you, never have never will. Bye" Slamming the door behind me I reached as far as the bar before I was stopped. "Get your hands off me" I snapped pulling my arm out of his. "Stop trying to be the hero Blaze, stop thinking you can fix everything. I don't have a relationship with my dad. I haven't since I was 7 now give me my car keys so I can go" I said holding out my hand.

"Sorry no can do darlin'." He smirked before grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder. Screaming at him to put me down I thumped hard on his back causing him to bark out a laugh. Thumping on his back again a squeal left my mouth as I was dropped into a chair.

"Now if you'll stop acting like a whiney ass baby we can get down to buisness"

Huffing I folded my arms over my chest and glared at everyone in the room.

"I'm not getting followed everyday by one of your guys" I yelled my face flushed with anger. "I'm not a baby I don't need a fucking babysitter". This was there big plan until they found out what Vagos's next move was. My dad wanted eyes on me at all times. He even suggested I work at the clubhouse behind the bar, give up what I worked so hard for. Blocking everyone out I wondered of into a little world of my own. How can he think I'll be happy with this?

"Blaze I want you with her at all times".

This caught my attenton. "I don't want him with me" I said my eyes falling into slits "I want Cage with me, he's more my age and we'll probably have more in common" Smiling at Cage I could feel Blazes glare burning a hole in the side of my head. He didn't want me anymore so there was no harm in hanging out with someone else and if I was with Blaze all the time it would just make my feelings grow stronger.

"Fine" My dad glared at Blaze before looking at me and then glancing at Cage "Your fucking watching her that's it. You touch her I'll put a bullet in your head. Got it" My dad growled

"Got it prez" Cage smirked at me giving me a sly wink.

"Good now get back to fucking work and out of my face" Hitting the gavel of the table everyone pushed back there chairs and left. I didn't move neither did my mom or Blaze.

"I don't like that Cage" Came my mothers voice as soon as the door closed. "Honey I don't want him watching over her. You've seen the way he is with some of those girls that come in here. Blaze can't you watch her I trust you'll protect her better and keep her safe"

"Don't talk about me like am not here mom. I'm 24 years old I don't need anyone to look after me. When are you all going to get that through you head?" Shaking my head I stood from where I was sitting "How do you suppose I go to work with someone watching me".

"Ava I need you safe baby. I don't want anything to happen to you" My mom got up from her seat and started walking towards me "You're my babygirl I'd die if anything happened to you, do you know how serious this is?" She asked

"Don't worry mom if I die you have another in there to replace me" I smiled sarcasitcally glancing at her stomach before walking out on them. Okay that was a low blow but I was still mad she wasn't the one to tell me she was pregnant.

"Ava Maria Mendez you get back here and apoligise to your mother right now" My dad roared making me wince at how mad he sounded. For some reason it didn't bother me and I didn't want to apoligise so I acted like a bitch and done the opposite. Raising my hand in the air I gave them a two finger salute.

"She is definatly your daughter" I heard my dad say before I walked into the bar area. "So I get to look after your fine ass till this all blows over?" Cage smirked his eyes roaming over my body. Looking at him through my eye lashes I smiled shyly and nodded my head "Looks that way unless you don't think you're up to it?".

"I'm read..-"

Cage was cut of by a gun shot coming from the bored room. A scream left my mouth as Cage grabbed me and covered me. What the hell? Hearing the heavy footsteps I peaked from under Cages arm to see my dad walking through the bar a murderous look on his face a gun in his right hand.

"You try the shit he did and I'll do the same to you" My dad roared before bursting out the front door. Hearing the roar of his bike fade into the distance I knew he had left. Swalloing down my fear I pulled out of Cages arm just then my mom came into the bar "Cage will you take me home please". she asked looking at me giving me a pleading look. Why was she asking Cage to take he home she dosen't like Cage.


As I was about to go to him he came limping out a rag wrapped around his leg "Tommy take me home" He roared ignoring everyone and walking out the front door. This was my fault.

It had just gone 6pm and I hadn't moved from my spot at the bar. I had been arguing with myself for the last hour whether or not to go to Blaze. I wanted to more than anything but did he want me there? would he be mad if I just turned up? Screw it. How was I going to get there he has my keys. Looking around the bar I noticed a set of car keys hung on a hook behind the till.


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