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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Feeling the vibrations coming from my pocket I decided to ignore it and get back to work. I was too nervous to read what his reply was. Walking out of my office I walked along to the bored to see who was on the nightshift.

"Holy cow your mom looks just like your sister" Ally beamed as she walked towards me. "Do people ever think that?" She asked bouncing on the heels of her feet. Seriously I needed to know where this girl got her energy from.

"All the time" I smiled noticing Josh was working a double shift tonight. "I don't look like my mom though. Apparently I'm my dads spitting image".

"Guess I'll find that out tonight. He must be smoking if you look like him" She smirked wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"What you into girls now to? And if you ever say that about my dad again I'll personally kick your ass".

"Don't knock it till you try it" She teased bumping my shoulder "Anyway what time do you want us to come over?".

"About that" I said running a hand through my hair "My moms throwing this big family dinner and I'd have to ask my dad if you are aloud over. Holy shit I feel like I'm 13 years old asking before I bring people over... but I do have to ask him and I really don't want to". Not having the best relationship with my dad sucked but its the way it was.

Watching her smile fall I instantly felt bad. I don't see what the big deal was about coming to the clubhouse. It wasn't that exciting. " I'll ask him but no promises, my dads a dick".

"Did I ever tell you I love you" She screeched bopping her head up and down.

"I see your working a double shift" I said as I joined Josh and Mark in the staff room.

"Short staffed and someone needs to do it" He shrugged focusing on the newspaper in front of him. Why was he acting dry with me? "Needing the cash?" I laughed pinching a fry from the side of his plate.

"We don't all have drug lord dads that run the city" He snapped pushing his chair back and stormimg out of the room. What the hell? Glancing at Mark he was swirling his lunch around his plate.

"What the hell is his problem?" I asked offended by what he said. I have never depended on my dad for anything.

"He's having a tough time right now. He probably didn't mean what he said and I bet he's kicking himself right now for it" Mark said finally looking at me.

"He shouldn't take it out on other people. What he said was out of order, I would never say anything to hurt or offend anyone". Scraping the chair back I stood up " Tell him not to bring shit like that into work" I snapped.

I was pissed. I would never in my life speak to anyone like that, what gave him the right to bring up my family? He knows who my dad is and he knows I don't approve of half the stuff he does. Slamming the door shut behind me I made my way out of the hospital. I needed fresh air before I lost it.

Storming over to my car I jumped in and found my stash of cigarettes. Lighting one up I lay my head back against my head rest and closed my eyes. Its mad how one person can say something that can change your mood instantly. Couldn't they get over who my dad was? It was old news. I guess it just pissed me off.

Taking out my phone I slide my thumb across the screen to unlock it forgetting I had a message from Blaze waiting.

'Watch it sweets!'

Smiling I bit my lip, my mom told me to go for it and that's exactly what I was going to do. Feeling the butterflies in the pit of my stomach I hit reply.

'Come get me player!'

Finishing my cigarette I locked my car before heading back inside. Glancing at my watch it had just gone 6 o'clock. Walking to my office so I could pick up my things I walked straight past Josh ignoring him. I get people say things when they're angry but he took it to far.

"Ava hold up" He called

Ignoring him I picked up my pace. I couldn't talk to him right now I was afraid I'd lose it if I did. You don't get to decide who your parents are and mine just happens to be a criminal.

"God sake Ava hold up" He huffed following me into my office.


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