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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41

"Do you mind if I sleep in here?" I asked chewing on my bottom lip. "I can't sleep in strange places".

"You don't need to explain yourself Ava. You can have my bed I just have a little business to take care of then I'll move into the spare".

Would it be asking too much if I asked him to sleep in here too?

"Would it be okay if you stayed in here with me?" I asked "I promise I don't bit."

"Whatever makes you feel comfortable. I have some stuff to do first but by all means" He said motioning to the bed with his hand.

Feeling the bed dip I blinked my eyes open slowly a yawn escaping my mouth. Was that him just getting to bed?

"You can get under the covers Nate" I croaked my voice full of sleep.

Hearing him sigh I sat up not really being able to see him because of how dark it was. "I don't want to over step the line" Running a hand through his hair "Maybe I should just sleep in the spare room".

Before he could make any sudden movement I grabbed onto his forearm. "Please just stay here. You're not over stepping any line. I like you Nate and I know I've only known you for a day but something in my heart is telling me to trust you. I somehow know you'll never hurt me. Do you know how good it feels being around a normal person?  You make me feel normal" I whispered knowing his eyes hadn't left mine since I started talking.

Letting his fingers run over my hand that lay on his arm he grabbed a hold of it linking his fingers through mine. "I don't know what's going on but I feel connected to you.. and that just made me sound like the biggest loser ever" He sighed causing me to laugh.

"You're not a loser Nate. You're actually one of the nicest guys I've ever met. One that hasn't tried to get into my pants and I've been here for hours" I smiled "Thanks for tonight. If it wasn't for you I'd probably be sleeping in my car".

"What happened Ava?" He asked

"I just didn't want to be there tonight. They have brothers over from the west and they'll be partying all night. I don't belong there Nate, I never will".

"Then why are you?" He asked turning onto his side so he could face me.

"That's a story for another time".

Slipping out of bed I glanced towards Nate, trying not to wake him I pulled open the door and made my way downstairs. I didn't want to wake him, god knows what time he finally got into bed.  Finding the kitchen I almost jumped out of my skin. There was a women standing behind the cooker humming slightly to the radio.

Awkward! Who was she? And why was I just standing looking at her?

"Oh I didn't know Mr Thomas had company. Coffee?" She asked knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes please" I whispered not sure what to do with myself. "You can sit dear I won't bite" She smiled pouring some coffee into a mug for me.

Walking over to the kitchen table I pulled out a seat. Grabbing a hold of my coffee I could have moaned when the smell hit my nostrils.

"Good morning Maria" Nate smiled as he walked into the kitchen. Glancing at him I gasped. How could he wake up and still look that good?

"More like good afternoon Mr Thomas" She laughed holding out a cup for him to take.


"What time is it?" I asked hating that I never had my phone on me.

"I'll leave you to it Mr Thomas'.

"Looks like you won't be working today" He grinned taking a seat beside me.


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