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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Locking my car I walked into the store grabbing a basket by the door.

"On what?" Jumping slightly I placed a hand over my heart. "Is that you getting me back for last night?" I asked turning round so I could face him.

"What the fuck happened to your face?" He growled placing his hand under my chin and tilting my head up.

"It's nothing" I shrugged giving him a small smile. "Fancy seeing you here".

He didn't say anything, he couldn't take his eyes off my face. His eyebrows were dropped into a frown, his lips pulled back into a silent snarl.

"Nate I'm fine" I whispered tugging on his hand to break his stare. Looking at me he blinked "That's not nothing, is it broken?" He asked lifting his free hand and running his fingers gently over the bruising. Even that hurt. Wincing I closed my eyes as I felt the tears forming.

"It's broken" I croaked blinking away my tears before they could fall "I'm taking a few sick days until it heals. Can't have people asking too many questions".

"Where are you staying?" He asked clearing his throat. Shrugging my shoulders I started walking around the store. That was a good question. Where the hell was I going to stay? My car? A hotel? I wasn't going back to that clubhouse and I sure as hell wasn't going to live in my dad's house. "I'll find something. Don't worry about me" I said putting toothpaste and a new toothbrush into my basket. I was going to need some essentials.

"Come stay at mine. You know I have the room"

Stopping what I was doing I turned to face him. Was that a good idea? "I thought you didn't stay in the one place for a long amount of time?" I smirked

Pursing his lips he shook his head "I don't but I have time to waste. I can put stuff on hold-.."

"Don't put anything on hold because of me Nate. Don't be stupid" I said cutting him off. "I'll find a hotel until I find an apartment".

"No you'll come home with me. You're not wasting money on a hotel when I have plenty of room. Stop being stubborn and let me take care of you". He said snatching the basket from my arms.

"Hey" I protested trying to grab it back. "Nate what are you doing?" Rolling my eyes I watched him put my stuff back. "You don't need any of this if you're staying with me".

"I never said yes" I smirked folding my arms over my chest. Closing the distance between us I could feel his breath fan against my face "but you will" He smiled, it falling once his eyes connected with my cheek.

"I still need to get some stuff" I said hoping he would stop looking at my face. "If I'm staying at yours".

"What could you possibly need that I-.."

"Tampons" I grinned watching a light blush spread over his cheeks. "I walked right into that one" He muttered "You get what you need. I'll be in the car just follow me back".

"I will never get over how beautiful your home is".

Opening the front door he ushered me to go in first. "Please treat it like it's yours" He grinned closing the door behind us "Would you like something to drink?" He asked leading us to the kitchen.

"Yes please" Sitting at the kitchen table all I could think about was a bath. I hadn't bathed in days. Disgusting right? God I hadn't changed my clothes and I was currently sporting no underwear.

"You alright?" He asked placing a glass of wine infront of me.

"I need a bath, if you haven't noticed I'm still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. It's got to the point I'm wearing no panties-.."


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