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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58

"They sure do take some time in there" I sighed bringing the beer bottle to my lips.

"Church is church. All I know is you don't interrupt them unless it's urgent" Chantelle said sliding a shot glass my way. "May as well start early".

"I'll drink to that" I grinned slamming the shot back just as the wooden doors opened and voices filled the bar.

"Maybe instead of drinking my booze you could serve it?" Marko grinned playfully as he smacked Lexi on the ass.

"Your like a brother to me stop smacking my ass" She huffed disappearing behind the bar.

"Shots Chantelle, really?"

Flicking my eyes up towards the voice I gulped. I'm guessing this was Cooper. Standing at around 6 foot and built like the side of a house he was very intimidating. His arms were covered in tattoos and he was like a wall of muscle. Were all these men well built?

"Only one baby.."

Tuning out I frowned when I couldn't see Blaze. Where had he got to? Sighing I turned around leaning my elbows on the bar and placing my head in my hands. I missed home. We had only been here one day and I wanted to leave already. I missed my mom, I missed my job heck I even missed my dad. Yes the girls were great but I was bored and I missed my friends or should I say I missed Ally she was the only friend I had made. Feeling the vibrations coming from my pocket made me remember I had my phone.

'Hey sweetheart how's the trip? Feels weird not having you here. Stay safe and listen to Blaze. Baby is moving lower so it shouldn't be long now! I hope your okay! Call me anytime darling!'

Now I really wanted to go home. I hated being away from my mom on any occasion but right now I wanted her the most. I had no idea what was going on with me.

"You alright darlin'?"

Clearing my throat and blinking so my tears wouldn't fall. "I'm okay" I lied flashing him a smile.

"You don't look okay kid. I may not be your dad Ava but I'm your dads best friend and he'd kill me if anything happened to you while under my watch".

Hearing those words my tears fell as a sob escaped my mouth. I was defiantly due my period. Being a women sucked at times.

"Hey" He cooed slipping his arm around my shoulder "What's got you so upset? Has someone said something to you?" He growled his protectiveness like a comforter. It was nice to know someone else had my back here. I for some reason felt like an outsider.

"I'm okay" I sniffed slipping of the bar stool and out of his embrace "Thanks and if Blaze asks tell him I went for a lie down".

With the look he was giving me I knew he wasn't convinced. Turning on my heel I went back to the room I'd be staying in while I was here. Another thing I missed was the comfort of my own bed.

Closing the door behind me I sat on the end of the bed, phone in hand. Would it be okay if I went home? Sighing I threw my phone onto the pillow and disappeared into the bathroom. Seeing the evidence on my pants I groaned, this was all I flipping needed. Fixing myself I walked out of the bedroom in search of Blaze, I needed to go to the store.

"He's in there Ava" Lexi smiled as she continued collecting empty glasses. Smiling at her I walked towards the thick wooden doors taking a deep breath before I entered. Glancing at him I noticed the phone glued to his ear.

"Not yet-I know pres! Yeah she's fine talk soon" Snapping the phone shut he threw it onto the table in front of him.

"My dad?" I asked as I watched him run both hands through his hair. "Is something wrong?".

"Nothing's wrong just checking in with him" He sighed getting to his feet.

"My mom texted so I'm just going to give her a call then I'm going to get Lexi to take me to the store" Why did I suddenly feel awkward around him? Turning on my heel I walked as fast as I could back out to the bar area.


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