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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Once I had gathered my clothing I made my way over to the door "Thanks for letting me use your room". I whispered wishing the ground would swallow me up. He didn't need to know anything more especially if he was just going to laugh at me.

"Ava look I'm sorry". He said pulling on a pair of boxers.

"I'll wash your clothes and bring them back to you before I leave". I said just as I pulled the door open.

So much for getting a sleep before I leave. "Don't leave". He muttered. I could feel his front against my back. Feeling the shiver run through my body I closed my eyes. I hadn't known this guy more than 2 days and already I liked him. I hadn't felt immediate attraction to a guy before.

Hearing the door close my eyes snapped open and I turned around. "You want to laugh at me some more?". I asked bringing my gaze up so I could look into his eyes. "I have seen one before I'm not a complete loser. Not that I need to explain myself to you". I huffed folding my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry I just thought, you know.." He sighed running a hand through his hair unable to finish his sentance.

"You thought because I look like this I'd have to have slept with lots of people, right?". I asked moving a little so I wasn't as close to him.

"Right". He answered

"Wrong, I focused on nothing but my school work and it paid off. I had to focus and having a boyfriend would have held me back. I had to make something of myself". I said feeling my emotions get the better of me.

"Wow darlin' calm down". He whispered bringing his hand up to wipe the tears of my cheeks. I hadn't realised I was crying.

Why was I crying?

"I'm sorry Blaze". I spoke taking a seat on his bed. "I'm sorry for crying on you and I'm sorry for acting like a spoilt bitch. You didn't deserve that".

"Been a rough couple of days?". He asked taking a seat beside me.

Wiping at my eyes I smiled "You could say that. I guess this is all new to me. I mean have you seen the girls that come around here. I feel so out of place".

Laughing he placed his hand on my knee and gave it a gentle squeeze "You're gorgeous Ava don't let anyone tell you different. Those girls are desperate to become old ladies. They'll do anything and anyone to get there. Don't worry about nothing your dad would put a bullet in anyones head if they touched you. Man or women".

"He won't have to put a bullet in anyones head. I'll be gone by tomorrow". I replied feeling his body tense beside me.

"What about your mom. She seems content being here". He said his hand gently stroking my leg.

Had his hand been doing that the whole time?

Shrugging my shoulders I glanced at him "My moms done it all before. I just can't believe she's fell straight back into it. I was the one that wanted to find my dad, she was against it from the start. Heck she didn't even know I was coming here and now she's the one that doesn't want to come home".


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