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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8


Looking up I noticed him sit a beer infront of me. It was barely noon and he was offering me a drink. Pushing it back to him I shook my head.

"No thanks" I mumbled just as the rest of my dads club members walked through the door. Every one of them looked my way and I didn't know what to do. I did noticed tho that Blaze wasn't there.

"Don't look so scared darlin' we don't bite" Tommy smirked signalling for prospect to get him a beer.

Giving him a small smile I turned my attention to my hands. To say I was feeling awkward would have been an understatement.

Watching them all walk of in the direction my dad took I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding. Why oh why did I have to come here and get caught up in stuff I had no idea about?

"I'm just going to go" I said sliding of the bar stool. I didn't have to listen to Franko. Yes he was my dad but he paid no interest in my life so why start now?

"I wouldn't do tha-" Prospect was cut of as once again the door to the clubhouse opened.

"Sit that pretty little ass back down Ava" he growled causing a shiver to run through my body. Blaze

Folding my arms across my chest I glared at him. He couldn't tell me what to do what gave him the idea that he could?

"No" I barked gritting my teeth together. I was pissed at him and I had no idea why. Well I did but I know I shouldn't be. Why did him kissing me make me angry?

"Keep an eye on her Tim. She goes walkies, I got a nice bullet for you" Blaze smirked walking past us and dissappearing down the hall.

Looking at Tim I noticed the color had drained from his face, poor guy. I had no bloody choice but to stay. I couldn't let the poor bugger get shot because of me.

"I hate that guy" I snapped taking the beer I had pushed away earlier back. "Who does he think he is?" I growled mostly to myself.

"Blaze is alright he's just protective of his club and the people he cares about. Stay on his good side because the bad side is pretty ugly" Tim said "I gotta get some work done but please don't go anywhere I'm begging you". He pleaded before giving me a nod and walking out the door.

Great once again I was left on my own. Where the hell was my mom? Surely she wasn't allowed to sit in while they discuss whatever the hell they had to discuss.

2 long hours that's how long they had been in there, not that I was timing them. I had some how ended up behind the bar cleaning and sorting it out. I had to find something to keep me occupied and lets face it there wasn't much I could do.

Just as I was filling up the fridges I heard voices. Looks like they were finally done.

"Where the fuck is she?"

"Tim is fucking dead".

Rolling my eyes I stood up and dusted of my jeans. I really needed to get to my car so I could change my clothes. 3 days in the same clothes isn't healthy and now I was going commando.

"I guess that little prick doesn't want to get patched in. I gave him simple instructions not to let her leave" I heard Blaze growl.

What the hell was his deal? Why does he care so bloody much? Gritting my teeth I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and made my way out so they could see me.


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