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You’re Mine by Penny Brooks novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113


Easton: Good morning, beautiful. I smile as I read the text from my boyfriend, hating how sore my throat is. Swallowing hard, I close my eyes, my head spinning. Oh no. I think I might be sick. My phone buzzes again. Easton: Miss you. Easton: Can't wait to see you at school. Me: I don’t know if I'm coming. Easton: What do you mean? Me: I don't feel so good. My phone rings in my hand and I immediately answer it. “What's wrong? '

he asks, sounding concerned. “My throat. '

I swallow again, and it hurts so bad I never want to swallow again. “It’s killing me. I think I'm coming down with something. '

“Maybe you should stay home. '

“We missed school yesterday. I can’t stay home. '

“Listen Brainiac, you'll be fine if you miss another day. It’s not like you're going to fail all your classes. '

He’s teasing me and I know he’s probably right but... I hate missing school. And now I have an extra reason to worry about not being there. Aisha trailing after my boyfriend everywhere he goes. If she knows I’m not at school, she'll be all over him. “I'm going, '

I say firmly as I sit up in bed. Only to immediately lay back down, my head swimming. “Or maybe not, '

I say weakly. “What happened? '

“('m kind of dizzy. '

I close my eyes and exhale loudly. “My body aches. '

“You're sick. Stay home, baby. You need rest. '

His voice is soft and soothing and I know he’s right. There’s a knock on my door and then it opens, my mother peeking her head around it. “You should be up already, Harper. It’s late. '

“I need to go, '

I tell Easton. “Talk to you later? '

“See ya babe. Love you. '

I don’t say it back, ending the call. Mom might flip out if she heard me say that. She doesn’t even know Easton and I are a thing. “I'm not feeling well. I have a sore throat, '

I tell her. She enters my room, her hands going to her hips. “You think you're getting sick? '

I nod, tucking the covers up under my chin. “My whole body aches. '

A sigh leaves her and she approaches the bed, the back of her hand going to my forehead. “You re hot, too. '

“Maybe I have a fever. '

‘You probably do. Goodness, Harper, I really think you're doing too much lately. Always running around with your friends, and you're never home, I’m happy you're getting out more and enjoying your senior year, but I'm also worried about you, '

she says. “You probably shouldn't have gone to the lake with your brother and his friend. '

I like how she lumps Easton with Ryan, as if he's not involved in my life that much. And in her eyes, that’s the case. “It was fun. I don’t regret going. I just regret the crappy weather. That's probably what got me sick in the first place. '

“That and not getting enough rest and doing too much. '

She raises a brow. “You're staying home today. In fact, I'll make a doctor’s appointment for this afternoon and we'll see what he says. '

“Okay. '

I nod, hating how heavy my lids feel all of a sudden. “You're going to take it easy this week. No going out with your friends. '


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