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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 127

Chapter 127 

As the last sliver of sunset was engulfed by the night, the curtain of darkness gently descended upon the city that never sleeps. The social gala was in full swing, the atmosphere reaching a feverish crescendo as couples twirled on the dance floor, their laughter and chatter a symphony of the night. In the corners, hushed conversations over potential deals and better prospects took place among the ambitious

At that moment, Yvan was undeniably the center of female attention

Matilda and Criss were invited downstairs by the host for a casual drink, and as they emerged from the hotel, they bumped into the host himself, who greeted them with a warm smile. Ah, there you are! I was just about to come up and fetch you two.” 

Matilda returned the smile graciously. You’re too kind, Mr. Simpson.” 

It’s no bother at all. Let me introduce you to my son.Bradford Simpson began, but he was cut off as a voice rang out from behind. Dad, there’s no need for introductions.” 

Adrian stood there with a meaningful smirk, his eyes locked on Matilda and the man by her side. Ms. Thompson and I are old acquaintances.” 

Oh, is that so?Bradford missed the undercurrent in his son’s tone and clapped Matilda on the shoulder. Well, that saves me a bit of trouble. Ms. Thompson, I was hoping to discuss the prospect of working with us next time” 

Matilda hadn’t expected to encounter Adrian here. Her face had yet to settle into an appropriate expression when Adrian cut in bluntly. Dad, why don’t you go ahead and entertain the other guests? I can chat with them just fine.” 

Don’t cause a scene, son.Bradford shot Adrian a look before excusing himself. I’ll leave you to it then.” 

Thank you, Mr. Simpson.Matilda said with a polite nod as the host’s figure disappeared from 


It was then that Adrian’s sneer grew more pronounced. When he smiled, his oceanic eyes shimmered with a haunting beauty. So, you’re cozying up to Criss now?” 

What’s it to you?Matilda’s retort was laced with sarcasm. She wasn’t alone anymore; she wouldn’t be bullied as she had been in the past

Adrian’s laughter was openly contemptuous. Denying old flames now, are we, Ms. Thompson? How cold. I wonder if Yvan gets the same sharptongued treatment.” 

He always knew where to strike deepest. Such a man was like a beast

Matilda’s smile was forced, masking the pain. He’s an exlover. What are you?” 

Adrian’s face darkened, his hand reaching out to grab her, but Matilda deftly sidestepped

Her smile was chilling, her eyes icy pits as if she had anticipated his anger. Her exterior was delicate and lovely, but her demeanor was cold as a winter pond


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