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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 129

Chapter 129 


The man’s call was crisp and sharp, like a gust of wind that swiftly ends, cold and biting

Matilda’s eyes twinkled with a mirthful red, Mr. Boyd.” 

She finally mustered the courage to face him

As Yvan stepped forward, Matilda retreated, their silent standoff palpable. She warned, Mr. Boyd, any closer, and you’ll be invading my personal space.” 

Yvan halted not far from her, his smile laden with unspoken intent. I’ve been closer before.” 

But I’ve forgotten that.Matilda deftly parried his advance, her laughter reminiscent of an innocent, oblivious child. For a moment, it seemed as if time had rewound to the startling beauty of their first encounter

Yet she asked, Did you call my name for a reason, Mr. Boyd?” 

So distant and detached

Yvan’s fingers tightened around his glass as if he were clenching Matilda’s throat

After a long pause, he finally let out a few syllables, Matilda, you’ve changed.” 

Indeed, I have. If I hadn’t, I’d surely be dead,she thought

Matilda’s laugh was sharp as ice, a dance upon the blade’s edge, ready to embrace destruction at any second, yet she accepted it all. Thanks to you.” 

Those three words cut deep into his heart, and Yvan’s brows slowly gathered a shadow. In a tone Matilda couldn’t decipher, he asked, Do you hate me?” 

Matilda’s laughter was as if she had heard the world’s biggest joke

Eventually, she shook her head and said, Yvan, it’s far too late to talk about hate. You’re not worthy of that question anymore.” 

Yvan flinched as Matilda’s laughter trembled like branches in the wind, undeniably dazzling. She had been the center of attention five years ago, and now, upon her return, she easily captured the gaze of men. Her every smile and frown was full of charm, a pity that her eyes. now laughed with icy cruelty

She declared, Yvan, there’s a kind of hatred that has reached a dead end, a point where it doesn’t even matter anymore. To me, you are as poison.” 

Matilda stepped forward, gracefully passing by him

Yvan reached out to grab her slender wrist, only to have it swiftly pulled away. In front of him, she walked into the arms of another man who happened to pass by, saying, The poison has seeped into the bones; there’s nowhere left to go. You ask if I hate you? Of course I do. As 


Chapter 129 

much as I once loved you, I later hated you. But now” 

She wrapped her arms around the newcomer’s neck, glancing back to see the shock exploding in Yvan’s eyes. Matilda’s smile was that of a siren. Yvan, there’s no turning back the years. When a person is stripped of everything, nothing in this world can hold her back.” 

The devil named Hatred had devoured her reason; when Yvan shattered her remaining warmth, a person in despair fears nothing

Because there’s nothing left to lose, she fears nothing at all


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