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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132 

Matilda finally got what Chloe meant by VIP treatment

No sooner had she settled into the booth than a line of young, dashing men approached, each one a freshfaced Adonis, and they just plopped down around Matilda, their presence even more ostentatious than Chloe’s last shindig

The whole scene gave Matilda the heebiejeebies, but Criss, on the other hand, lit up like a Christmas tree, mingling with the group of flirty waiters like they were old friends. The throbbing electronic music seemed to awaken every dark desire lurking in the corners of the soul. Under the kaleidoscope of lights, everyone’s face took on a different mask laughter, anger, joy, and sorrow all played out like a drama

Every time, Matilda felt as if the bar was some kind of modernday purgatory, where everyone wore their vice on their sleeve, a parade of grotesque figures and flamboyant characters taking turns on the stage of excess. Everyone amplified their senses to the extreme, drinking and squandering away precious moments of life, seeking nothing but a night of fleeting pleasure in a place where no soul could find peace, tumbling again and again into the abyss

The guys around her were relentless in urging her to drink, Matilda, unable to fend them off, could only smile and decline, but when she couldn’t escape, she’d down the drink. As the alcohol burned its way down her throat, it felt as if her soul was spilling out from her silenced. lips. She leaned on the guy next to her, laughing as the lights flickered over her face, half in heaven, half in hell

Yvan and Adrian had been called over to the bar by some friends and unexpectedly ran into Matilda. She was nestled in another man’s arms; her lips stained a luscious red from the drinks she’d been having, looking every bit the enchantress of the night

Yvan’s Adam’s apple involuntarily bobbed, and his gaze darkened considerably

Feeling the scorching look on her, Matilda looked up and locked eyes with the man. She arched an eyebrow ever so slightly as if she hadn’t really seen him, then effortlessly passed her drink to the lips of the man beside her, her movements smooth and flirtatious as if she’d done it

thousand times before

Yvan stepped forward, with Adrian right behind him, and they made their way to Matilda’s booth, prompting a light laugh from her

Care to sit and have a drink?she asked

Yvan stared at Matilda, trying to see some sign ofanything different. But there was nothing. Matilda was probably drunk, her eyes halfclosed, smiling at them fearlessly. You looking for me for something?she asked softly

Yvan scoffed. Matilda, I underestimated your talent for seduction.” 

At that, Matilda laughed again, leaning on the shoulder of the man beside her, looking utterly charming. Yvan, my seducing someone what’s it to you?” 


Chapter 132 

A sting shot through Yvan’s heart, and he stepped closer, grabbing Matilda’s wrist. Her smile faded, her gaze sharpening as she looked at him


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